Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism

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We are pleased to present the results of MARGIN's first annual magical realism poll. Click on the questions to find the various responses to them. The staff thanks the poll's participants for their candidness, generosity and enthusiasm. We hope they'll join us again for the 2004 poll! Thanks to everyone for supporting literary pursuits on the web! -- The Staff, MARGIN


1. In your opinion, what does the cultural future look like for literary magical realism in the United States? Will it become more or less popular with mainstream readers? Why or why not?

2. In your opinion, does the magical realism of the past resemble the magical realism of the present? Feel free to elaborate.

3. In your experience, has using the term "magical realism" in a discussion ever been problematic? If so, why?

4. In your opinion, is literary magical realism a relevant and useful narrative form for the 21st Century?

5. In your opinion, does magical realism translate well to all forms? (novels, short stories, films, television, stage)

6. Name your favorite instances of magical realism (any form).

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Rev'd 2004/01/21