Margin: Exploring Modern Magical 


B E Y O N D   M A R G I N
l i n k s   g a l o r e

F O R    B A S I C    D E F I N I T I O N S
What Is Magical Realism, Really?
Bruce Holland Rogers takes a stab at defining magical realism

Magical Realism
Writer and Instructor Alberto Ríos offers this colorful jumping off point for students (includes music)

Magical Realism: A Movie
This animation was scripted during a single conversation about magical realism. Funny, with sound effects

Magical Realism v. Realist Magicism
From Black Mary Cash's web journal, a followup on the magical realist panel held at Minicon 38, 2003

From Strange Words: Literature and Fantasy
An interview with Waly Crowley, Point No Point magazine

Magical Realism
Lindsay Moore offers this concise overview of the style (published in 1998)

Conventions of the Novel and Magical Realism
An adaptation of M.H. Abrams' A Glossary of Literary Terms, 6th edition as cited by Dr. Robert P. Fletcher of West Chester University

Margin's magical realist reading list for students
at Amazon's Listmania!

Magic Realism: A Problem
Interesting considerations about the problems inherent in classifying a literary work as magical realism, contributed by David Mullan as part of the Imperial Archive Project through Queens University Belfast

What is magic, and why does it work?
Visit Vinay Gupta's page and find out

H I S T O R I C A L    I N Q U I R I E S ,    C R I T I C A L    P E R S P E C T I V E S
Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy and Utopia
Theme & Character Lists for Magic Realism

Curiouser & Curiouser: Real-izing Fantasy: The Double-Sided Mirror of Magical Realism and "the other side of reality" in Robin McKinley's Spindle's End
by Evelyn Perry

Deliberate Alienation: Surrealism and Magical Realism
Michael Coffey does some critical thinking about both literary forms

I am not a magical realist!
Alberto Fuguet's frustrations with ethnic typification in literature

Robert Peake's "Deconstructing Religion Through Magical Realism"
Comparisons between Sherman Alexie's Reservation Blues and Ana Castillo's So Far From God

Kevin Baldeosingh and "Magical Unrealism"
A discussion about the flexibility of space and time in magical realism

Reconsidering the Latin American Boom
Review from the Americas Society: Quincas Borba by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis/translated by Dr. Gregory Rabassa

Psionics and Esotericism
A discussion of imaginative fiction and the supernormal, with interesting distinctions made about magical realism and mysticism, from Orion's Arm

South American writers
This discussion in ONElist is worth more than a peek -- you might even consider joining

Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community
In my humble opinion (TKS), this book is the foremost authority on the subject, edited by Wendy B. Faris and Lois Parkinson Zamora for Duke University Press. Check out the site first, then buy the book

The Magical Realism Page
Evelyn Leeper's thorough examination, spawned from extensive online chat about the subject

After Magical Realism
Professor Marcus Embry examines the development and changing direction of the magical realism genre in his course for the University of Northern Colorado

G A B R I E L    G A R C Í A    M Á R Q U E Z
Oprah Book Club Selects One Hundred Years of Solitude
REQUIRES FREE REGISTRATION (much of the supporting materials for this book club selection were penned by editors Sellman and Deefholts—check it out!)

Gabo Talks || García Márquez lives to tell a tall tale
Jorge Morales discusses Gabriel García Márquez's biography, from the Village Voice

Living to Tell The Tale
García Márquez's memoir shows how family made him a writer

Meeting Gabriel García Márquez
NPR Commentary

Gabriel García Márquez
Margaret Lee's dedicated site (one of but many millions on the web), aka The Libyrinth ~ Gabriel García Márquez
A great jumping off point for García Márquez fans, with links galore

A U T H O R S    A N D    W O R K S
Melal: A Novel of the Pacific by Robert Barclay
Magical realism from the Pacific Islands

Minions of the Moon by Richard Bowes
Urban gay magical realism

On Alejo Carpentier: "I will never know so much about Carpentier again"
Leonardo Padura's essay on the great Cuban novelist

The Divine Husband by Francisco Goldman
"Traversing time and terrain for a grand story of the Americas"

Canadian novelist Anosh Irani
Author of The Cripple and His Talismans

Ghost Country by Sara Paretsky
A review from

Psychoraag by Suhayl Saadi
Midnight's Children meets Trainspotting? Scottish magical realism

A Time of Angels by Patricia Schonstein
U.S. debut of South African novelist

The Chicana magical realist addresses the universality of La Llorona in contemporary American culture

The Visualizing Capacity of Magical Realism: Objects and Expression in the Work of Jorge Luis Borges
Lois Parkinson Zamora's contribution to Janus Head (PDF file)

Baltasar Porcel, Springs and Autumns.
"In scope and narrative intensity, Springs and Autumns rivals the best magical realism of Latin American fiction, though with a particular Mallorcan and Porcelian flair"

Terri Windling, editor of The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror
Discussing, among other things, urban fantasy and magical realism in this interview with Michael Jones from Green Man Review

Revolutionary Magic
Jennifer White's observations of magical realism in Yamashita's Tropic of Orange

Magic and Realism
The Worlds of Louis de Bernieres

Niall Williams -- Four Letters of Love
An interview (Irish magical realism)

Shani Mootoo
As usual, Emory University is reliable for providing interesting and thorough links to magical realists. This one is penned by Candice Dias

S. Rushdie ~ "Magical realism as post-colonialist device in Midnight's Children"
Nicholas Stewart's contribution to the Queen's University of Belfast's evolving discussion

Bless Me, Ultima ~ Rudolfo Anaya
An overview of the novel by Felice Aull, Ph.D. for New York University

The Way of Don B.
Here's Lisa Zeidner's classification of the late Donald Barthelme's works

"The Garden of The Forking Paths"
Borges, Borges and more Borges. Did I say there was information about Borges here? Another great site from

Angela Carter
Fantastic Fiction's thorough list of works by the well-known British magical realist

Texaco ~ Patrick Chamoiseau
An overview of the novel by Felice Aull, Ph.D. for New York University

Julio Cortázar
A good starting place for fans of the Argentinian author, by Subir Grewal

Günter Grass
From Pegasos, literature related resources in Finland, a tribute to the author of The Tin Drum and the winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature

Salman Rushdie
Another thorough site by Subir Grewal

Amos Tutuola (1920-1997)
The history of the author of the controversial novel, The Palm-Wine Drinkard, from the George A. Smathers libraries (The University of Florida)

M A G I C A L    R E A L I S T    F I L M    &    T E L E V I S I O N
Magical Realist films: a List
compiled and maintained by Bruce Taylor of the Magic Realist Writers International Network

Circle Game
Peter Keough's discussion about the problems of bringing magical realism to the silver screen

C H I L D R E N ' S    L I T E R A T U R E
Biobibliography of Lygia Bojunga
Brazilian Author of children's literature

David Almond
Leading master of children's magical realism

R E L A T E D    L I N K S
Online discussion
Offered by Speculations, this is a conversation addressing Third Wave Magical Realism

Amarillo Bay
This webzine publishes quality writing from various fantastical genres, including magical realism

Twilight Times
Editor Lida E. Quillen actively seeks and will publish well-written magical realism for her e-zine. She's a book publisher, to boot

From the Council for the Literature of the Fantastic
Daniel Pearlman's essay discusses magical realism in the American publishing marketplace

Some Ghostly Tales From South America
Jessica Amanda Salmonson thinks an awful lot about magical realist short stories and their various authors in this dynamic work sponsored by Violet Books

The Cafe Irreal
A graphically cool site offering essays and stories which expand on notions of realism, plus other interesting features


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