
Exploring Modern Magical 

P O E T R Y   F E A T U R E

Frank X. Gaspar

We are proud to present award-winning

poet, author and educator Frank X. Gaspar

and six selections of poetry from Night

of a Thousand Blossoms and The Holyoke

Praise for FRANK X. GASPAR

"In Frank Gaspar's beautiful and exacting book, A Field Guide to the Heavens, is a compassed and sculptured map that leads to what is purely human. There aren't any abstract angels here, only the breath of quest and raw life—from the symbolic gecko to the mythic Apostle Paul and Caesar. This collection is highly democratic and spiritual, where George Herbert is only a few pages away from Allen Ginsberg. Gaspar's material is composed of the stuff we are made of: an approximation of the old, need-driven songs of the spirit and flesh shaped out of imagination and autobiography."

~ Yusef Komunyakaa

"[Gaspar's is] an expert portrait of the Portuguese immigrant experience, from its resistance to full integration."

~ The New York Times

"Gaspar's long, prose-like lines—like translations from dreams—surround the reader with their capaciousness and flowing diction."

~ The Los Angeles Times Book Review

Read an interview with the poet ~

Frank X. Gaspar's natural familiarity with the magical

Read these selections of POETRY by Frank X. Gaspar


A B O U T    F R A N K    X.    G A S P A R

FRANK X. Gaspar is the author of three previous collections of poetry, The Holyoke, Mass for the Grace of a Happy Death, and A Field Guide to the Heavens (winner of the Brittingham Prize for Poetry), and a novel, Leaving Pico, which won the Barnes and Noble Discover Award and the California Book Award for First Fiction. His work has been anthologized in Best American Poetry 1996 and 2000, among others. His many honors and awards include a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, a Pushcart Prize, the Edgar Stanley Award and a Readers' Choice Award (both from Prairie Schooner). Born in Provincetown, MA, he now lives in southern California.

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Rev'd 2005/06/07