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Celebrating National Women's History Month

Front Desk
Blue Stockings and Yellow Wallpaper
How women have stretched (and will continue to stretch) the boundaries of Magical Realism

Magical Realism News
News briefs this month feature America's magical realist divas

Toni Morrison's mosaic of conscious experience
in Song of Solomon
An essay by David Pendery

Understanding the magical realist tropes in
Their Eyes Were Watching God
An essay by Devona Mallory

American Top Forty:
Magical Realism's Leading Ladies [an incomplete list]

Deus Ex Machina
Heroines in blue stockings: Magical realism's debt to America's female scholars

Spotlight: Songs of Connectivity
Native America's magical realist women

literary glossary

Travels With Bruce
Tracking magical realism the world over

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Since 2000, MARGIN has proudly served as the world's
only survey of literary magical realism

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Last updated 2006/03/01