Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism


You mean that orange ball o' fire,
so full I thought it'd pop,
so bright I watched birds fly
over midnight shadows of clouds
and stars cast on my black-water river?

Yeah, I saw it.
Then I took it.
Took it from the sky's cupboard.
Rolled it in my hands.
Licked it like it was a ball o' chocolate chip cookie dough.
Ran my tongue around its sweet craters,
then swallowed it whole.

Fire grew in my belly.
I paced with one hand on my arched back
and one on my mound.
Aching, waiting
for it to deliver me.

This morning I gave birth to a sun.

c a r o l   d.   o' d e l l
j a c k s o n v i l l e,   f l o r i d a

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Rev'd 2005/10/26