Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism


As I stepped into the shower
It was raining outside

Don Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra
Notebook dripping wet

And ink diluting
Was writing

About a man of glass
Who drank red wine

From a goat skin.

Now there were three of us
Crowded into the shower:

Cervantes, the glass
And I.

While we waited
For the rain to stop

Don Miguel
And I decided

To toss the glass man around.
I'm sorry to say

He didn't ricochet
Once. It was still raining.

Cervantes cut
His foot and eye,

All that red wine
Running down the drain.

c a r l o s   r e y e s
p o r t l a n d,   o r e g o n

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Rev'd 2005/05/31