Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism

s e a t t l e ,   w a s h i n g t o n


"A writer of imagination and insight, Bruce Taylor
delivers a collection of stories that amazes and intrigues." ~ Terry Brooks

"Bruce Taylor has always owned an imagination capable
of jarring the most jaded reader into a state of fascination.
His tales grab me by the scruff, and I wait in suspense
wondering not if he will shake me, but now. Best of all,
he cares for his reader more than he cares for himself,
and that's the mark of a true writer." ~ Jack Cady

"The specialty of Bruce Taylor is brief, playful, bizarre stories
that occupy the mysterious middle ground somewhere between
fantasy and the surreal." ~ Robert Silverberg

Click here to read two stories by the author ~
with introduction by the author
(6 pages)

with introduction by the author
(7 pages)


A B O U T    B R U C E    T A Y L O R
Born in 1947, Bruce Taylor was raised in Seattle, WA, his current home. Early in his life he was drawn to science fiction, particularly the works of Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, C.S. Lewis, and Ray Bradbury. Later, he became equally familiar with Dostoevsky, Flaubert, Steinbeck, Chapek, Kafka, and Chekov.

Taylor attended the University of Washington in Seattle, where he received a B.A. degree in Sociology while also writing for the University of Washington Daily and studying fiction with such teachers as Jack Leahy and Jack Cady. After leaving college, Taylor worked a number of odd jobs before taking his current job at Harborview Medical Center on the locked inpatient psychiatric unit as a counselor. After a great deal of work in the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, Taylor now teachers classes at Harborview on stress management techniques.

In 1972, Taylor attended the Clarion West Writers Workshop and since then has had work published in, among other publications, New Dimensions, Tomorrow, Pulphouse, Twilight Zone, The Silver Web, Magic Realism, and a number of foreign publications. He has also served as writer-in-residence for Shakespeare & Company in Paris, where he was filmed reading his fiction for an NBC program on American/French relations. Taylor is currently working on a novel entitled The Humphrey Bogart Blues while marketing two other novels, Edward, Dancing on the Edge of Infinity and Kafka's Uncle.

In January 2003, Bruce Taylor became a consultant-at-large for MARGIN. Welcome, Bruce!

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Rev'd 2003/03/10