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We at MARGIN recognize that finding homes for magical realist writing can be challenging. Is your work literary? Mainstream? Genre? This edition's For Writers Only highlights several Caribbean-themed writer's markets which have published magical realist writing.We ask that you study publisher's guidelines very closely before submitting, and that you honor them to the letter. It helps to review sample copies of the magazine first, or to read samples of work online, when available. Studying your markets is one of the most effective ways to find homes for your work
.We wish all writers of magical realist the best of luck with their publishing goals. -- TKS, MARGIN
Literary journal ~ print format
ANANSI: Fiction of the African DiasporaLiterary journal ~ print format
Attn: Sheree Renée Thomas, Editor
765 Amsterdam Avenue 3C
New York, NY 10025-5707
writers.aalbc.com/anansi.htmFrom their website: "Taking its name from the trickster/storyteller figure in African and Caribbean folklore, Anansi introduces original short fiction by talented writers of African descent."
Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.
CALABASH: A Journal of Caribbean Arts and LettersLiterary journal ~ print format
Graduate Program in Creative Writing
New York University
19 University Place
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212.995.9599
http://library.nyu.edu/calabash/old_site/main.htmFrom their website: "Calabash: A Journal of Caribbean Arts and Letters is an international literary journal dedicated to publishing works encompassing, but not limited to, the Anglophone, Francophone, Hispanophone and Dutch-speaking Caribbean. The journal is especially dedicated to presenting the arts and letters of those communities that have long been under-represented within the creative discourse of the region, among them: Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles, Maroon societies, and the Asian and Amerindian societies of the region. Calabash has a strong visual arts component."
Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.
CALLALOOLiterary journal ~ print and electronic format
Department of English
Texas A&M University
4227 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4227
Phone: 979.458.3108
http://callaloo.tamu.edu/From Project MUSE: "Callaloo, the premier African Diaspora literary journal, publishes original works by, and critical studies of, black writers worldwide. The journal offers a rich mixture of fiction, poetry, plays, critical essays, cultural studies, interviews and visual art. Frequent annotated bibliographies, special thematic issues and original art and photography are some of the features of this highly acclaimed international showcase of arts and letters."
Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.
THE CARIBBEAN WRITERLiterary journal ~ print format
University of the Virgin Islands
RR 02, Box 10,000
Kingshill, St. Croix
US Virgin Islands 00850
www.thecaribbeanwriter.comFrom their website: "The Caribbean Writer is an international literary anthology with a Caribbean focus. The Caribbean should be central to the work, or the work should reflect a Caribbean heritage, experience or perspective."
Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.
MACOMÈRELiterary journal ~ print format
Jacqueline Brice-Finch, Publications Editor
Department of English
MSC 1804
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA 22807 USA
Phone: 540.568.6202
www.macomere.com/From their website: "MaComère is a refereed journal which is devoted to the scholarly studies and creative works by and about Caribbean women in the Americas, Europe and the Caribbean Diaspora. It is the journal of the Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars, an organization founded in 1995."
Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.
POUILiterary journal ~ print format
Poui: The Cave Hill Literary Annual
c/o The Department of Language, Linguistics & Literature
Faculty of Humanities & Education
University of the West Indies
Cave Hill Campus
St. Michael, Barbados, West Indies
http://humanities.uwichill.e du.bb/LLL/CreativeWriting/POUIVol.4Samples.htmFrom Angela Trotman at Poui comes this information: "Submissions are to be original and unpublished, and the deadline for submissions is July 31."
The Guyana: Land of Six Peoples website reports that Poui represents a wide range of themes and styles, registers and voices from a diverse lot of writers representing perspectives from Puerto Rico, Barbados, Bahamas, St. Vincent, Nigeria, the USA, Bermuda and Haiti, and sometimes more than one of these at a time.
Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.
WADABAGEI: The Intellectual Voice of the Caribbean and Its Diaspora
Caribbean Research Center
Medgar Evers College (CUNY)
1150 Carroll Street, M-17
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Phone: 718.270.6079/6080/6081/6082
http://www.lexingtonbooks.com/Journals/wadabagei/Index.shtmlFrom the website: "Wadabagei is a multi-disciplinary journal that is committed to the publishing of scholarly articles and creative works on the Caribbean and its Diaspora. It is also committed to facilitating the exchange of ideas among Caribbean scholars worldwide. ... In this endeavor, it will place special emphasis on the acculturation of Caribbean people in the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom. It will also examine aspects of the Caribbean and its Diaspora that have been dynamic in shaping the experiences of the broader Caribbean, but which have not been sufficiently emphasized in the academy in the United States of America and worldwide."
[In a recent correspondence with editor Holgar Henke at Wadabagei, we learned that Wadabagei is now marketed and distributed by Lexington Books and is currently still in that transition. They are inviting/accepting submissions all year and ask that these are sent via email attachment to the editor (hhenke@igc.org) or - in particular, for papers concerning the Canadian diaspora - to their assistant editor (da.trotz@utoronto.ca).]
Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.
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