![Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism](/wa2/margin/images/annivlogowhitefinal.bmp)
i n s i d e M a r g i n
FUNDRAISING PROJECT: Southern Revival: Deep South Magic for Hurricane Relief [Now Available; Ordering Information]
Letter from the Editor
Extensive links to related websites
A recommended reading list
A recommended children's literature reading list
MR 101: Magical realism's educators
Latino Forum: Celebrating the Latin American vanguard
Travels with Bruce: a personal account of appearances, events and experiences
For Writers Only: markets
Practical Magic: narrative strategies
Deus ex Machina: industry news
Spotlight: notable but underexposed magical realists
Emerging Authors series
Film List: magical realism themes
Favorite Links: a link exchange with other publishers
Wish List: for potential book reviewers
Retrospective: looking back
Magical Realism News (BLOG)
Two-Way Mirror: an interactive magical realist readers' journal (BLOG)
Feature: Contemporary Magical Realists ~ stories, bibliographies, interviews
Stories of Magical Realism ~ short fiction and excerpts
Definitions of "magical realism" from all contributors
The Art and Craft of Magical Realism ~ articles, essays, commentary
Creative Nonfiction
Magical Realism in review ~ books, film, television
Definitions of "magical realism" from all contributors
Feature: Contemporary Poets and Magical Realism ~ voice and vision
Poems of Marvel ~ the poetry collection
Definitions of "magical realism" from all contributors
Emerging Poets Series
A magical realism survey ~ annual poll questions
Marginalia ~ a glossary of literary terms
Contributors' information
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Writers' guidelines and the current Call For Submissions
Contest guidelines
Archives Sponsorship, donations, writer "adoptions"
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Translations, as they are made available
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