Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism/MARGIN LAUNCHES THE MENAGERIE

Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism

F O R   I M M E D I A T E   R E L E A S E
Magical Realism Website Launches
"House of Dialog"

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BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA -- Tamara Kaye Sellman, editor of Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism, announces the launch of a new nonfiction wing, The Menagerie, as part of the website's first anniversary celebration.

The Menagerie is the site's "house of dialog," says Sellman. "If you want to talk about magical realism, here is the place to do it."

The new wing proffers a variety of features, including reviews (book, film, television), articles, commentary, visual art and creative nonfiction. In 2002, The Menagerie will also house the website's Spotlight feature, an annual retrospective, as well as a quarterly virtual book discussion group.

"I decided we needed to expand our exploration of magical realism at Margin when it became clear we could bring more to its understanding through forms other than fiction," Sellman says. "Reviews, interpretive readings, interactive discussion groups -- all of these features are certain to broaden our readers' awareness of literary magical realism."

She credits her staff with sparking the idea. "We are a creative bunch. For every interesting challenge I turn to them for some really great solutions." Writers contributing to the new launch include Sellman, Jeff K. Hill, Mark Tursi, S.L. Deefholts, Zelda Leah Gatuskin and Joe Benevento.

The launch of The Menagerie is part of a broader anniversary celebration, as Margin marks its one-year anniversary online. Major updates of regular features and new fiction from Anjana Basu and Roberta Kusiak are part of the site's latest additions.

"We've also opened up a children's literature page to stir new ideas and to invite readers to contribute. And later, we aim to launch a separate poetry section," Sellman says, "so stay tuned!"

For access to The Menagerie, visit the website's main contents page, then scroll down through its various features.

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Rev'd 2003/03/27