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FastCounter by bCentral

Hit Counter

FastCounter by bCentral

Welcome to my (Robbie DeLong’s) web site. This site has been designed to provide a resource for someone interested in NASA or someone doing a school project on NASA. It was created for two reasons: my ninth grade breakout project at school (our ninth grade project that we work on all year), and simply because NASA is of great interest to me. I hope this site provides clear information for all interested in and studying NASA. It may be noted that the Homepage tends to be rather slow in loading, as does the Image Gallery, especially if you have a 56k or slower modem.


                                   HOW THIS SITE WAS MADE


This site was made using many different programs used together. I used NetObjects Fusion to actually create the site (the easiest web page creating program I am familiar with), trueSpace for 3-D rendered images, and Paint Shop Pro for editing images for use on the site. Flash 5 was used to make the image gallery section, and what I did was a very meteocre representation of Flash’s capibilities. I made nearly every graphical image used on the site, and for those not made by me I have placed bibliographical information in the Bibliography section. I used Fast Counter for my hit counter, and it works great. You can download trial versions of the programs from the following websites, and you can get a free counter from Fast Counter. Flash is the best animation and multimedia tool on the web, and I wish I would have found it earlier in my web page production. You can downlaod a demo version of Flash 5 from the Macromedia website.

NetObjects Fusion:


Paint Shop Pro:

Fast Counter:

Macromedia Flash:


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This site was built with the NetObjects Fusion 5.0 Trial
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