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Home Page Updates

This is the Updates section for my Home Page.
For the old updates, look for the link at the
bottom of the page.

Deleted two of the links at the Beatles Trading Card Gallery.
Those Web sites don't exist anymore.
Also, my TV Carpenters site dosen't exist anymore, either.
Deleted the link to the Walnut Theater's site - it doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Deleted the Best Geocities Sites Poll from Main Index page - Geocities stopped being a free Web site builder.

Made changes and corrections to the Art Gallery. Also made changes to the Updates page.

Moved TV Carpenter Hunks to GeoCities.
You will find the link to it under Geocities Sites on the Main Index page.

Added a link to my new page - to the Main Index page.(That site doesn't exist anymore.)
I'm not completely done with it though, but there are photos to look at. Hehe. ;-)

Created a Christmas art work section in the Art Gallery.
It includes art work featuring the carpenter hunks who
work on TLC's home-improvement shows. Hope you like it! Hehe. ;-)

Changed the name of the site back to Joyougogirl's Home Page,
and also changed the banners.
Added new links to my other sites to the Main Index.

Added a link to my new Web Site at AOL to the Main Index.
It's dedicated to my favorite One Life To Live character - Sam Rappaport. Unfortunately, he was killed off by the writers. :-( (It's now deleted)
Also added a new poll to the Main Index.

Add a link to The Beatles Trading Card Gallery to the Main Index.

Added a link to The Food Page. It will feature favorite recipes, chefs, etc.

Updated the Art Gallery by adding a new art work
and making some changes to the Main Index page.

Added new graphics, including one for the Beatles Yahoo! Group,
to the Main Index page.
Also made some changes to the Updates pages.

Added a link to my new Website - "Major League Singles"
to the Main Index.

Made changes to the Home Page by deleting some Websites/Pages
in order to not go past the new disk space limit of 20MB.

Added a new game called "The Love Tester"
to the Games, (deleted), page.
Also created an Updates Archive page for the old updates.

  • Home Page Updates Archive #1

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