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Current News & Events


Our first tourney was March 24th!!! We got a chance to play novice and rookie teams over at Paradise Paintball in Port Orchard. The weather was great, and so were the teams. We came out with 1 "victory" and 8 or 9 losses. We revieved the Sportsmanship Award, and the Play of the Day Award!!!! IT WAS GREAT!! Next game we play in is May 5th over in Oregon. If you want to get involved in any of the fund raising, support, practice, or hanging out just contact us.

WOW! We learned a ton! March 17th was great. The Wolverines, and Warmachine showed up. Both teams did great, especially against us!!! We are definitely pumped for our first tourney, March 24th. We will get pics up ASAP.

Next practice is March 17th. It will be at Brian Aime's field with team N Control, and possibly The Wolverines. You will need to get one of his release forms done (release form section), and $5. Parent night is March 16th at Domino's in Marysville by K Mart. This is a required team meeting for all who plan on playing in the March 24th tourney. Basically we will go over costs, schedules, gameplans, practice, and answer ANY questions!!!

We need more players! These people will be fill ins who don't have to pay as much to be on the team, show up and play in a few of the paintball slaughvvs games

We just received several new sponsorship offers! The Sponsors page is up and running. It's still a bit lame, but will rapidly improve, so keep checking back to make sure you don't miss out on the latest sponsorship updates.

There's also a Schedule page. You can read that and also get a printable version to print out for yourself! Don't miss that!

Parent Night is being planned for the whole team, plus their parents, to make sure everyone is on the same page. Also, Mike is going to rent a wood chipper so we can clear out those huge brush piles for a speedball course. We need 5 or 6 people who are willing to help out. Contact Dan if you want to come.

We need paintball drill ideas. We have come up with a few, but need some to build trust, improve communication, and make us more aggressive. Send your thoughts and ideas to Dan at

We had preliminary tryouts and our first practice Saturday. Congrats to all those who made the team! We are still looking for one more player, so if you want in Contact Dan.

Tippmann, which is the best producer of top quality guns anywhere has become our first sponsor! They will be helping us with our weapons and team uniforms. Sunset Mechanical has also volunteered to sponsor transportation and field fees.

Contact Dan