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Ice Gliders Sponsors

This section will include links, reviews and other goodies for our sponsors. Right now it is sparse, but gaining momentum quickly. If you have any ideas just send them right on over. Also if you are a sponsor that is already sponsoring us don't worry we have not forgotten you. We are just working on a section for you. Plus upgrading the old ones.

Current Sponsors

Smart Parts. If you want the best high end quality in everything from barrels to guns come to them.

Tippmann, everything that will never break down, with awesome pices. They are also easy to trick out so check them out!

Sunset Mech. If you need ANYTHING built in Western Washingtonn come to them.

Diablo. The best paint maker of our planet.

Drop Zone Paintball. Fields, online catalogg, and retail stores. They have better service, and prices than 888paintball!!!

Redz Gear the best harnesses on the market.

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