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Yaba Tech Logo




Yaba Tech Alumni Association


This is not a secure site. It has been undertaken as a public service to assist graduates of the Yaba College of Technology locate friends and colleagues who studied at the college. Anyone who registers their details or contributes to the site, does so with the full knowledge that those details will be published on the site. We cannot be held responsible for any such details being used for any other purposes such as marketing etc.

We do not verify records of former alumni and cannot therefore be expected to provide any sort of reference or verify the authenticity of alumni records. This can only be done by the college.

Standard disclaimers apply.

As a result of changes to the ISPs setup, the registration form may not work. If you are one of the unfortunate few to experience the problem  please email ALL the requested details to: .Unfortunately you cannot be registered unless ALL the relevant details are submitted. Thanks for your patience. 

Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to The Webmaster
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Last modified: Sunday September 21, 2003 .