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Yaba Tech Alumni Association

Welcome to the Unofficial home for Yaba College of Technology Alumni

In the News

Accomodation constraints affect tertiary education in Nigeria                              Rector lays the foundation stone of its new School of Agriculture, at its new campus near Epe, Lagos.                                         Students of  Yaba College of Technology, embark on a protest march against hikes in fuel prices                                               The Resurgence of Campus Cultism                                       Lecturers and students Celebrate Borisade's rejection by the National Assembly                            READ THE LATEST ON THE ALUMNI NEWS PAGE

This month we welcome on board our first Alumni to register from the Republic of Benin, Chief Hassan Omar,  Mechanical Engineering HND, class of 1995



Greetings to all at yabaooo!

From Kofoworola Johnson Elesinnla

I was so glad to see such a site, the idea is touching and coming from my old school I am not surprised 'cause that is what the school was founded on...fresh ideas! 

This is Kofoworola Johnson Elesinnla OND General Arts & HND Painting passed out '94/95, presently in Cleveland Ohio. I am married with two kids and still painting, difficult as it is, but the art world is hard  and its  even harder in this profession as a a new environment abroad but I must get there...back at home in Nigeria we set up a group called feminine bristles made up of three ladies all from Yaba...we had held two exhibitions, now in the USA I have found one former member is here too, we are looking for ways to hook up again find a way to exhibit...To all my lecturers....your efforts will not be in vain. Peace!


Each edition of the newsletter will profile a registered member and where they are today. Do you want to let us know what you've been up to or promote a business Register today!

Last months profile was 

Michael Osebhajimete Omoighe  

currently a Senior Lecturer and Head painting section in the Fine Art Department, Yaba College of Technology, Lagos, Nigeria Michael is a ND alumni, class of 1978

Previous  profiles include John Adekunle Shote, gospel singer and US radio personality.


Don't miss the gateway to other interesting sites via our soon to be published newsletters and searchable e-mail address bank located in the "Alumni" section. The other buttons will allow you to explore areas that specifically interest you.

Other links will guide you throughout the site. Please note that the site is still under construction so there is still a lot to come.

Enjoy your visit; click back and relax!


Browse through the members database and locate a long lost friend. Want to be found? Register today!



About This Site

This site was set up in February 2001 to create a life-long link between our alumni. The site is still developing and currently has members living and working in several country's of the world.

Membership is FREE. This valuable tools enables you to catch up with old friends and classmates, tell them about the exiting changes in your life and find out about what's happening at the college.

To benefit from the site, all you need do is register. The more alumni on the database, the better and more efficient a service it will be for you, so please join now and encourage other Yaba Tech graduates to join too. 

Check back often. Future plans include an interactive bulletin board and newsletter. Do you have a suggestion or do you want to get involved? Drop us a line, we’re always interested



This is not a secure site. It has been undertaken as a public service to assist graduates of the Yaba College of Technology locate friends and colleagues who studied at the college. Anyone who registers their details or contributes to the site, does so with the full knowledge that those details will be published. We cannot be held responsible for any such details being used for any other purposes such as marketing etc.

Furthermore we do not verify records of former alumni and cannot therefore be expected to provide any sort of reference or verify the authenticity of alumni records. This can only be done by the college.
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Last modified: Saturday July 10, 2004 .