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Japanese FY Commercial

Read First Before Going any Farther!!!

The following were shown back in 1996. I'd like to thank Bubbledew for making the commercials *downloadable* for me!!! Two more things before the commercials:

  1. Go here to read my complete disclaimer on everything!
  2. I will NOT give anyone permission to copy this for any other use other then personal viewing! So, do not copy it and post it up onto your own site!!

Alright, now all of that unpleasantness is  out of the way, on to the commercials! 

*One more thing. It's zipped and Media Player will be the best to use to view them with.  Real Player will work, but the video is very choppy and will not look as good.  Also, if you are going to use Quicktime, you'll get the audio, but no picture.  Both are around 1 MB so it might take a bit, but not too long.

Chichiri LD cm

Akemi Sato cm