Kurt Wagenseil an Clive Bell 1928

[ Inhaltsverzeichnis ]
Generation 12: Ende 19. Jahrh./ Beginn 20. Jahrh.

[1] Berlin, Dec. 16th, 1928

My dear Mr. Bell,

I I sent you by printed matter post a copy of the Neue Schweizer Rundschau with my brother's translation of your essay "Plus de Jazz" and thank you once more for your kind permission.

My brother wrote a favorable criticism on Civilization in his paper. -

The Schweizer Rundschau having given the poor example a famous German paper[?] of a perhaps still higher literary standard and of a nearly 50 years old reputation: the Neue Rundschau, S. Fischer Verlag Berlin W. wrote to me yesterday, saying they were "loaging"[?] to publish something written by you and - if possible, ner. - Excusez moi, je vous en peie, si je vous dérange de nouveau avec une chree[?] pareille: Would you have the great kindness to allo we (for my brother) once more to tranlsate an essay by you into German? It would be very kind of you.

This review also pays better for articles out[?] I bey you to share money with my brother. -Unfortunately your essays on pictures of[?] the Impressionist etc. masters would not go for the Neue Rundschau and I don't see a possibility to cut out a piece of Civilization.

[2] Could you perhaps name me an essay (perhaps not having appeared in a book, but in a periodical) - or[?] from your manuscript - of newer date - if possible not much longer than 25 printed pages, ou a social or literary or artistical / or even on a more common interested subject which might interest German readers. Please let me know about.

I would gladly send you a copy of the Neue Rundschau, if you want too see it first, what sort of paper it is. -

Harold told me that your wife is probably coming and you, aren't you still intending your Berlin-visit? I shall be in Berlin in January again and am working here with the Thannhauser picture-galleries. - See Eddy often and am glad, he is here. He told me you were going to Charleston for Xmas; I therefore hope, my letter will reach you there.

With my best wishes and many thanks

ever yours very sincerly Kurt L. Wagenseil

61 Agnes Strasse 61 Munich, Bavaria.

"The Charleston Papers" (King's College reference number CHA/1/650) in Cambridge.