Keep It Simple Stupid

This page is always being updated.
Current update: Oct, 13, 2001

My name is Noel and I am an Addict.

Contact me:
Email at Infectious Grooves.
ICQ #100602629

My NA B-Day is July 1, 1998.
My homegroup is Gropers Not Dopers in Monroe, Washington.
Best fucking homegroup in the world.
Everett Area Narcotics Anonymous is the best area in the world to get clean. And stay clean.

Upcoming Area Events

PNW #24
October 5, 6, & 7, 2001
Portland, OR

PI Learning Day 2001
October 20, 2001
Des Moines, WA

May 24, 25, 26, 2002
Spokane, WA

Everett Area Events

NA Links
NA World Services
International Phonelines
Washington Northern Idaho Region
The Everett Area of NA
Washington Northern Idaho Region/Area Phonelines and Addresses

Other Recovery Related Sites
If you would like a link to your site here, let me know. We can exchange links. :)

Promises of Recovery Newsletter

Mothers of Addicts UNITED


Dual Diagnosis Friendly

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