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Grinds! Road Trips Cool links Claire's Page Ferrets! Pictures. The Vacation Lauren's Page Odle Jazz Band Music

Ferret videos 1
The Ferret Festival
Snow Ferrets


The videos!  (There is no sound in the first two videos)

Ferret videos 1 The Ferret Festival Snow Ferrets

It's the fuzzies page!  We spend most of our time sleeping as you can see below.  It's not unusual for ferrets to sleep 18-20 hours a day, what a life huh?  They love cheerios, and especially raisins!  Hope you enjoy their pictures here, but keep checking back as we will have more.

Mano (Shark in Hawaiian) and Mana (Spirit in Hawaiian) sure live up to their names.  

Mana gets a ribbon for the obstacle race at the Ferret Frolic.  He ended up with 2 ribbons, way to go Mana!

Mana reads his email from his mommy in Hawai'i.

Mano checks out what Aunty Lauren wrote.

Move over Mano, let me see!

Have you seen my mommy?

It's MY sock!  I found it fair and square!

Did you say you had cheerios?  How about raisins?

A ferret Christmas!  Their all time favorites - Cheerios, raisins, plastic bags and a box!

The only way to travel!

Ferrets in a bottle!

Hey mom, is it time to get up yet?

It's tough being a ferret.

Want more?  See the ferret videos!  Ferret videos 1 ] The Ferret Festival ] Snow Ferrets ]

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