Take a ritual bath and toss in a sachet with a mixture of jasmine, chamomile, rose and vanilla.

Place a large white pillar candle in the center of a large bowl and make sure the candle is fixed in the bowl by melting some wax and sticking the candle in the center.  Then fill the bowl 2/3 way full with water.  Cover the altar with a silver cloth and use silver or white candles for the altar candles.  A little bit of tinsel is nice if you have some left over from your Yule celebrations. Make sure you have your black mirror as well.


Call the Quarters



"Celestial Winds, come dance and sing;  with you, airs of inspiration bring.  Full and rich, to my heart, all your wisdom pray impart."  


"Cosmic Fires, come dance and sing;  with you, sparks of cleansing bring.  Full and rich, to my heart, all your strength pray impart."  



"Astral Water, come dance and sing;  with you, waves of insight bring.  Full and rich, to my heart, all your creativity pray impart."  



"Stellar Earth, come dance and sing;  with you, soils of flowering bring.  Full and rich, to my heart, all your rooting pray impart."

Invoke the Goddess

"Shining Goddess, come dance and sing; with you, the magic of harmony bring.  Full and rich, to my heart, all your powers pray impart."

Meditation and Visualization

Sit down where you are and breathe deeply.  There is no need to rush; now is a time of softness, of quiet knowing.  See yourself in your mind's eye as you sit.  Above you is a smiling moon in full glory.

As you look upon the lunar sphere, you see that the light is alive.  It dances, and sings a special song.  It jumps from the surface like a fire and travels downward to embrace you.  the touch is cool, yet warm.

It reaches beyond your skin and saturates every pore, every cell - you are the moonlight; you are the shadow of a star.  There is no body now to hold you back.  Let your spirit fly with the moon wherever it needs to go.  Make notes about this experience afterwards in your journal.

Basic Ritual Form

The actual ritual for a full moon depends on the focus you choose.  Often witches recite the Charge of the Goddess at this time.  Here is a moon charge that can be done prior to scrying.  Begin by saying:


"As she shines fully in the sky, the Lady shines in my heart, and in my home."

Next, light the moon candle you've created, saying:

"Mother Moon, welcome!  Mother Moon, come! Your tides of power brings fulfillment, and your beams bear the realization of change!"

After this, look to the surface of the water where the moon candle sits.  Take a deep cleansing breath and say: 

After this, look to the surface of the water where the moon candle sits.  Take a deep, cleansing breath and say:

"Tides that sway and tides that flow; as above, so below; The moon once small, now fully seen in this bowl, my future bring."

See what movement, shapes, or images appear in the light that dances on the water.  Clockwise movement generally means good things are coming in the next month.  Counter-clockwise represent the need for caution.  Take mental notes of any shapes and images that strike you with additional insight.  For example, clockwise movement forming a heart could indicate a romantic interest making itself known before the next full moon.