
This prayer should be done in the afternoon, between noon and 3pm.


"O God of Thunder, God of Might,
set aside Your lightning bolts
and take Your ease of Love with me.
You are the God of laughter!
You are the God of all delights!
Blessed Be."

Main Prayer

As days lengthen
in Summer's embrace
the Maiden becomes the Mother.
The Oak Lord
strides the forest
in antlered glory,
seeking His willing Consort.
Riotous bonfires spark
merry revelry;
the night draws forth
the Sacred Dance,
while the Lord becomes again the
Hunter of the Moon.


Roles change with the changing seasons of our lives. Think about the many roles you play or have played. What emerges for you?

Daily Affirmation

In the Name of the God: I will be mindful of the roles I play and invite the God's help in those I struggle with.

Closing Prayer

"Thanks to Thee, Lord of the Dance,
for leading me into the deeper mysteries
of the heart.
Be with me now and always.
Blessed Be."