Witch's Broom

Spider Finger Puppets

Materials Needed:

  • Colored Construction Paper
  • Regular Paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape or Glue
  • (optional) Large Wiggle Eyes
Steps to Take:
  1. Fold the Construction paper in half
  2. Have your child place their hand with fingers extended and folded edge of paper crossing the middle of the child's palm. Trace your child's hand (don't trace the thumb).
  3. Cut the folded paper on the traced line.
  4. Open the paper to get the spider.
  5. Draw or glue on the Large Wiggle Eyes
  6. Cut a strip on construction paper 1"x4". Form the strip into a ring and glue to the back to the spider's body.

Spooky Spoons

What you will Need:

  • Plastic spoons
  • Permanent marker (Sharpie)
  • Scissors
  • Pipe Cleaner
  • 2 pieces Kleenex
  • 1' ribbon
How To:
  1. Using permanent marker, draw a face on the rounded side of the spoon.
  2. Wrap the pipe cleaner around the spoon handle, just below the curved side of the spoon. Twist the pipe cleaner once to hold it tightly around the spoon handle.
  3. Open the 2 pieces of Kleenex out flat. Fold them accordion style across the width of the tissue.
  4. Fold one piece of tissue across the pipe cleaner on the left side of the spoon.
  5. Wrap the left piece in front of the spoon handle.
  6. Push the tissue towards the spoon so that it is gathered as much as possible, and then wrap the pipe cleaner around the handle again.
  7. Repeat with the other tissue on the other side of the spoon and taking the tissue around the back of the spoon.
  8. Wrap the ribbon around the spook's "neck" and tie it in a bow.
  9. Bent the pipe cleaner arms to any position you want.

Ancestors’ Placemat


  • One sheet of craft foam (in a fall color)
  • 1 5”x7” or a couple of 4”x6” photos of an ancestor or several ancestors
  • Silk or real leaves
  • Scrapbooking adhesive squares for photos
  • Clear contact paper
  • Scissors


Scan or order reprints of your ancestors’ photos (don’t use originals for this). Attach the photos to the foam sheet with the adhesive squares. Next attach the leaves to the foam with the adhesive squares, make sure that you don’t use leaves that are too dry or they may not stand up to this craft. You do not want to use glue for this craft, as the gases from the chemicals will degrade your photos. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to cover both sides of the foam placemat with the contact paper and then trim the edges.