As taken from WiccaCraft for Families by Margie McArthur, a few changes were made, but it is essentially the same.


You will need a Yule Log with enough holes drilled in it to hold enough red candles for everyone present. Pine incense and a large white or red candle are also good.



"For a few months the days have been growing shorter, and the nights longer. After today, little by little, the hours of light will increase. The days will grow longer until once again it is Summer."


"We celebrate now the time of Winter Solstice which is called Yule. It marks the birth of the Sun. Let us call on the Spirits of the Elements to speak of this time."

As the Quarters are invoked, the quarter candles are to be lit.


"Winter is the time:
For cold winds and freezing breezes.
Spirits of the Air, be with us tonight!"


"Winter is the time:
For sitting in front of roaring fire for warmth, and blazing candles for light.
Spirits of the Fire, be with us tonight!"


"Winter is the time:
Of falling rain, water turning to ice, and Jack Frost nipping at us.
Spirits of the Water, be with us tonight!"


"Winter is the time:
When the earth is bare, most trees have no leaves, no food is growing now.
Spirits of the Earth, be with us tonight!"


Begin the ritual.


"Goddess of all seasons, we see you now as Mother with Child. Be with us tonight!"


"God of all seasons, we see you now as the dying sun, and yet also as a tiny Baby, the Sun reborn. Be with us tonight!"


"As the darkness increased, we felt the death of the Sun-God approach. But in the darkest of Winter, He is reborn as the light of the infant sun. It is the Great Mother who gives birth to Him, who brings the Child of Promise to Earth. It is the Lord of Light and Life who is born again!"

Priestess lights the big red (or white) candle at this time.

"The year wheel turns and light returns!"

All (join hands and circle around the altar chanting):

"The sun, the light, shining bright
Returns, returns, returns, returns."
 (three times or more as desired)

"Arthur, Osiris, Apollo, Helios, Lugh, Mithra, Mabon!" (three times)

As the last phrase fades away all take their places in the Circle. Candles are passed out for each person at this time.



"Now, starting with the youngest, we will light our candles from the big Yule Candle, and make a silent wish for the New Year. Then we will set our candles into the holes in the Yule log, and return to our places in the Circle."

If a Yule log is impossible, this can be done instead with votive candles and they can be set on the hearth or the altar when lit. When all have finished with their candles, the quarters are dismissed and the quarter candles are blown out.


"Spirits of Air,
we thank you for being with us tonight,
and now bid you farewell!"


"Spirits of Fire,
we thank you for being with us tonight,
and now bid you farewell!"


"Spirits of Water,
we thank you for being with us tonight,
and now bid you farewell!"


"Spirits of Earth,
we thank you for being with us tonight,
and now bid you farewell"


"Lovely Mother, Tiny Child,
we thank you for blessing us with your presence tonight,
and as the days grow longer we will know you are always with us."

"This rite is ended. Merry Meet and Merry Part!"


"And Merry Meet again!"
