All Photos (c)2001 Chris B. (c)2001 Kevin H.
Brush Prairie Cemetery Update
While monitoring Brush Prairie Cemetery in the late evening on October
14th, Chris, Kevin, Rich and Becky obtained interesting results. Weather was
clear, little to no wind and the temperature was about 55 degrees. Photography
began at approximately 10:00 pm PST.
Bright orange Orb appears behind an older headstone. (c)2001 Chris B.
Bright orange Orb with red misty film appearing around the local area. (c)2001 Chris B.
Another bright orange Orb. (c)2001 Kevin H.
Unusually bright colored diamond shaped Orbs near headstones and a faint mist appearing at far right edge of the picture. (c)2001 Chris B.
Bright yellow diamond shaped Orb. (c)2001 Chris B.
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All pictures on this site (c) 2001 The Ghost Hunters Alliance of Vancouver Washington