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        Our purpose is to educate and provide proof of the existence of hauntings and spiritual contact through photography and EVP. We are a non-profit alliance. All photographs appearing on this website are property of the webmaster. Ghost Hunters Alliance of Vancouver Washington follows strict protocol during all photo sessions. All photos are untouched and authentic. We welcome all comments and questions. Write us at
        As with anybody in this field, we expect negative feedback. There are a lot of people (especially in the ghost hunting field) who will look at these pictures and say that they are fakes or re-touched. The Alliance DOES NOT nor will they EVER retouch or enhance pictures for ANY REASON. We are willing to discuss our work with anyone as long as you are not rude about it and you feel that your negative comments actually have a point. If you just feel like putting us down, then don't bother writing.    


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All pictures on this site (c) 2001 The Ghost Hunters Alliance of Vancouver Washington