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Evergreen Cemetery

All Photos (c)2001 Ghost Hunters Alliance of Vancouver Washington

Due to the strict enforcement of cemetery visiting hours, the Alliance is unable to visit the interior of this cemetery after dark. We were quite pleased with the results we got from outside the cemetery boundaries and plan to visit this large cemetery a little before dusk when the weather turns nice. Photography began around 10:00 pm. The weather was clear with little to no wind, no fog and temperature was around the lower 40's.

Large Bright Orb at the edge of the cemetery. (c)2001 Al C.


Multiple Orbs appear at the edge of the cemetery. (c)2001 Al C.


Multiple Orb activity (c)2001 Al C.


Colorful Multiple Orbs. (c)2001 Al C.


Orbs in motion. (c)2001 Joe D.


Ecto cloud appears at the edge of the cemetery. (c)2001 Joe D.


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All pictures on this site (c) 2001 The Ghost Hunters Alliance of Vancouver Washington