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Name: Kori C.
Birthdate: 1-31
Alliance Contribution: Digital Photography, Location Coordinator, EVP
Equipment: Sony Mavica FD83 Digital Camera, Panasonic Audio Recorder
Other Alliance Duties: Location Research, Internet Research
Occupation: Master Animal Groomer
Hobbies: Kori loves to travel and explore new places. She also enjoys movies, poker parties, gardening and having a good time with good friends. Originally from Southern California, Kori has lived in the Vancouver area with her husband Al for over 10 years. Kori is very receptive of the spirit world and can be counted on to lead us to the brightest Orbs. She is always on the look out for local haunted sites and enjoys the McMenamins property investigations the most. Kori has been quite successful capturing multiple Orb manifestations on digital and assists her husband Al on most investigations.


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All pictures on this site (c) 2002 The Ghost Hunters Alliance of Vancouver Washington
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