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Name: Chris B.
Birthdate: 8-30
Alliance Contribution: Digital Photography, Psychic Input
Equipment: Sony Mavica FD92 Digital Camera 
Other Alliance Duties: Alliance Public Relations, Internet research, Alliance secretary, library research and location research
Occupation: Writer
Hobbies: Anything paranormal, history, music (big Enya fan), films, Disneyland CA, and The Sims. Although she's originally from Los Angeles CA, Chris lived several years in Alaska studying native tribal spirituality before moving to Vancouver WA. Her favorite haunted city is New Orleans LA and she hopes one day to write a book about her investigations there. She is currently working on a book about the Haunted Pacific Northwest and also transcribes cemeteries for the US Genealogical Tombstone Project. She has been involved in paranormal research for over 20 years.


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All pictures on this site (c) 2002 The Ghost Hunters Alliance of Vancouver Washington
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