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Name: Kevin H.
Birthdate: 12-18
Alliance Contribution: Webmaster, Location Digital Photography and Video
Equipment: Dell PC, Microsoft FrontPage, Sony Mavica Digital FD92 
Other Alliance Duties: Alliance Artwork, Alliance Webmaster, Video, Location Photography  
Occupation: High school student.
Hobbies: Kevin loves to assault the household with his really heavy music. He is an avid Luxt and Slipknot fan. He also enjoys horror movies, designing websites, and hanging out with his friends. His Alliance Web duties keep him quite busy when he's not out ghost hunting. Kevin has captured several outstanding anomalies on digital during our ongoing investigation at Brush Prairie Cemetery. He also works with video and is planning to write, direct and produce a documentary on the Alliance someday. Kevin  lives in Vancouver with his mom and dad, Alliance researchers, Chris and Rich.


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All pictures on this site (c) 2002 The Ghost Hunters Alliance of Vancouver Washington
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