Name: Rich B.
Birthday: 10-6
Alliance Contribution: Photography
Equipment: Sony Mavica FD92 Digital Camera
Other Alliance Duties: Internet research, Geographical research and Psychic
Occupation: Military (Retiring 2002)
Hobbies: The paranormal, music, playing drums, movies, Louisiana folklore.
Rich's ghost hunting travels have taken him from New Orleans to Europe. A native
of Louisiana, he is well educated in the local folk magic as well as Voodoo. His
knowledge of the spirit world has been quite helpful to the Alliance. Rich is
responsible for providing the Alliance with historical information on cemeteries
in the local area. He also transcribes cemeteries for the US Genealogical
Tombstone Project with his wife Chris and fellow researcher, Kelly.
Our Purpose Members
The Book Contact
All pictures on this site (c) 2002 The Ghost Hunters Alliance of Vancouver Washington
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