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Moon Magic

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The Moon. is far more than a heavenly body that might catch your eye.  She is the embodiment of the Goddess, she is Maiden, Mother and Crone.  It is also an important source of natural energy that is essential in magic if performed at the right lunar phase.  If spells and rituals are performed in the wrong phase it can debilitate the spell, produce no result or wrong result.

The Wheel of the Moon is about 28 1/2 days long, waxing to Full Moon and waning to New Moon.


The Moons here a determined by the following list, beginning with the first full moon after Yule. Many different moon names exist, and I've tried to provide a few alternates as well.

Wolf Moon {chaste, cold, disting, little winter, quiet, wolf}
Horning Moon {big winter, hunger, ice, storm, wild}
Storm Moon {crow, plow, sap, seed, wind, worm}
Seed Moon {growing, hare, planter's}
Hare Moon {bright, dyad, flower, frog, merry}
Meade Moon {honey, horse, dyad, lovers', rose, strawberry, strong sun}
Fallow Moon {blessing, buck, hay, wort}
Barley Moon {corn, fertile, grain}
Wine Moon {harvest, singing}
Blood Moon {falling leaf, harvest, hunting, vintage}
Snow Moon {beaver, dark, fog, mad, shedding, storm}
Oak Moon {big winter, cold, long night, wolf}

Elder Moon {Blue Moon - the thirteenth moon in a solar year, despite the modern notion that even the ancients called it the second moon in a month... for our matrifocal ancestors who lived by a Lunar Calendar, it was impossible to have two moons in a month, as a moon was a month!}

Waxing Moon means the moon is getting larger in the sky.  Moving from the New Moon towards the Full Moon.  This is a time for spells that attract, bring positive change, spells for love, good luck, growth.  It is a time for new beginnings, to conceptualize ideas, to invoke.  At this time the moon represents the Goddess in her Maiden aspect, give praise to Epona, Artemis or one of the other Maiden Goddesses.  This period of waxing moon lasts 14 days.

Full Moon is when the moon has reached its zenith, it forms a perfect sphere in the nights sky.  This is a time for spell that transform, increase psychic ability, for fertility spells and invocation to lunar goddesses.   This is a time of strength, love and power.  At this time the moon represents the Goddess in her Mother aspect, give praise to Cerridwen, Isis or one of the other Mother Goddesses.  This period lasts form about 3 days before to 3 days after the actual Full Moon.

Waning Moon means the moon is decreasing in size, moving from the Full Moon towards the New Moon.  This is a time for spells that banish, release, reverse.  This is a time to break bad habits or bad addictions, to end bad relationships.  This is a time of deep intuition and a time for divination.  At this time the moon represents the Goddess in her Crone aspect, give praise to Hecate, Morrigan or one of the other Crone Goddesses.  This period lasts about 14 days.

As the Wheel of the Moon continues on its never ending course.  The moon also travels through different astrological signs just as the sun does, just only more rapidly.  When the moon resides within the various signs, the sign influences the magical aspect of the moon.



Aries, best time for spells involving authority, rebirth, leadership; healing spells of the face and head.

Taurus, best time for spells involving love, money, acquisition; healing of the throat and neck.

Gemini, best time for spells involving communication, writing, travel; healing of the arms, hands, and lungs.

Cancer, best time for spells involving the home and for honoring lunar gods and goddesses; healing of the chest and stomach.

Leo, best time for spells involving authority, courage, fertility; healing of the upper back, spine, heart.

Virgo, best time for spells involving employment, health, diet; healing of the intestines and nervous system.

Libra, best time for spells involving justice, unions, balance (spiritual and otherwise), artistry; healing of the lower back and kidneys.

Scorpio, best time for spells involving power, psychic growth, sex; healing of the reproductive organs.

Sagittarius, best time for spells involving travel, sports, truth, horses; healing of the liver and thighs.

Capricorn, best time for spells involving organization, ambition, career, politics; healing of the knees, bones, teeth, skin.

Aquarius, best time for spells involving science, freedom, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing of the calves, ankles, blood.

Pisces, best time for spells involving music, art, telepathy, dreams; healing of the feet and lymph glands.