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Merry Meet

Some of these pages are not up yet.  I want them to be finished first.  They will be soon.  Below is basic information.

Home Aromatheropy Astrological (Sun) Candle Magic Channeling Color Magic Lucid Dreaming Elements Herbs Moon Magic My Book List Oils and Essences Sabbats Spells and Rituals Gemstones & Crystals Tools



Magic is the practice of causing change through the use of powers as yet not defined or accepted by science.

 Magical Principles:

 1.                  Magic is natural.

2.                  Harm none – not even yourself – through its use.

3.                  Magic requires effort.  You will receive what you put into it.

4.                  Magic is not usually instantaneous.  Spells require time to be effective.

5.                  Magic should not be performed for pay.

6.                  Magic should never be used in jest or to inflate your ego.

7.                  Magic can be worked for your own gain, but only if it harms none.

8.                  Magic is a divine act.

9.                  Magic can be used for defense but should never be used for attack.

10.              Magic is knowledge – not only of its way and laws, but also of its effectiveness.  Do not believe that magic works – know it!

11.              Magic is love.  All magic should be performed out of love.  The moment anger or hatred tinges your magic you have crossed the border into a dangerous world, one that will ultimately consume you.  


Pagan Ritual

Pray to the Moon when she is round
Luck with you shall then abound.
What you seek for shall be found
In sea or sky or solid ground...

All spells of a constructive nature should be performed when the moon is bright, that is, waxing to full.   These would include healing, sorcery designed to bring luck or success, fertility rites and charms, protection, counter magick, and divination.

     All spells of a destructive or banishing nature should be performed when the moon is dark, that is waning to new.   These would include banishment of negativity, binding, certain works of necromancy, and agricultual magic designed to ward off pests and disease.

An example of an outline for a solitary ritual that closely follows those performed in a coven environment.  This example can be utilized by either the solitary follower or a full coven.  Excerpted from the book 'To Ride a Silver Broomstick' by Silver RavenWolf.

A.  Ritual Preparation

1.  Define purpose
2.  Write ritual
3.  Gather necessary tools
4.  Prepare area
5.  Prepare body

B.  Open Circle

1.  Find true North
2.  Set up Magickal 'doorway'
3.  Call the Watchtowers / Elemental Quarters

C.  Invocation to the deities

1.  Align self with deity
2.  Invoke deities

D.  Statement of Purpose

E.  Actual Rite

1.  Working
     a.  Complete preliminary manual or visual task
     b.  Raise power / energy
     c.  Focus power / energy
     d.  Ground power / energy

2.  Honoring
     a.  Complete preliminary manual or visual task
     b.  Dedicate cakes and wine
     c.  Partake in cakes and wine

F.  Meditation

G.  Thanking the deities

H.  Closing the Circle

1.  Mentally and verbally close the circle
2.  Physically close the circle
3.  Clean up
     a.  Disposal
     b.  Washing of plates and glasses
     c.  Putting away tools and other implements