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Universal Eclectic Wicca (UEW) is a tradition that allows people to believe in different truths without forcing them to accept someone else's personal truths.  What I believe may be different from what someone else believes, and within UEW that is perfectly fine.  They embrace the essence of eclecticism without turning into a bunch of fluff bunny wiccans.

In UEW, the focus is more on developing a more spiritual relationship with the gods, and even though they do teach the basics of magick, it is not as big a deal to them as in other traditions, as they teach the basics of magick according to the teachings of Aleister Crowley.  The collection of titles and degrees is another thing that is not given so much stress on.

Now, I haven't worked with or on anything affiliated with UEW in 9 years.  During my time there, they completely changed the format of the lessons, and since I was pregnant at the time, was asked to leave the CFFN as they felt it would "detract" from the lessons.  *shrugs* Whatever, I still learned a lot during my time there, and I've decided to keep my lessons up on the web as a reminder of how far I've come.

If you want more information about Universal Eclectic Wicca, I suggest visiting their homepage here or Coven of the Far Flung Net.

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