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What's New with Ravenna?


April 28, 2006
Bad Ravenna!! It's been over a year since I've updated this poor website.  Lots of things have happened, mostly good and a few bad.  One of the good things is that I spent the last year in a postulancy program in a local coven, and then was accepted as a member of the Outer Circle of that coven! Yay!  I've finally found my place, and my Sisters and Brothers of the Craft have really welcomed me in with open arms.  It makes me feel very joyful and complete!

Another thing that I've really been focusing on is pagan parenting.  As Aiden gets older he questions things more and more.  Some of his questions are absolutely classic!! I've talked about them in my new blog a little bit, which can be found here.


February 2005
Well, I haven't yet added the February entries for Ravenna's Journal, but I'm working on getting them added.  This month has been a difficult one for me to say the least.  There have been two deaths that I've been grieving for, my Grandpa and my dear Craft Sister Moira.  

But on a happy note, on Valentine's day, my beloved and I welcomed our second son into this world - Finley George (or Finn for short).  He is a beautiful child, and looks just like his older brother.  Both my sons are adorable, with flaming red hair.  Though it looks as though young Finn will wind up being blonde with hazel eyes later on... it's hard to tell right now, since he's still so new.

Anyway, things are starting to perk up... though I am exceedingly tired... one way or another, however, updates will be following soon enough! Bright Blessings!



December 06, 2004
    Well, Christmas/Winter Solstice/Yule/Hanukkah/Whatever is just around the corner.  I love this holiday.  Even as the childhood magic of the season fades, I still love this holiday.  
    It's funny... I notice more and more that certain family members of mine have a tendency to wreck the holidays for me.  Stressing out over the silliest things.  I mean GODDESS! Who cares if we have a 30 lb. turkey for Thanksgiving?!?  Most of it will just go to waste anyway.  And this year, this family member of mine is demanding both Turkey AND our traditional Ham for Christmas dinner.  Why? There's only going to be 9 people over for dinner.  We don't need that much food.  Other people could use that food.  But, I digress.
    Christmas is just around the corner, so I'm going to be very busy... but on the brighter side of things, I have updated the Yule pages over at the Wheel of the Year, and have added a few goodies to those pages.  Look for more to come!


June 21, 2004
    Working on more content for the website... eventually I'm going to get around to doing a massive overhaul to this place... redo the whole site in ASP.NET... it will kick so much behind.  New section put up a couple of weeks ago... the "Old Book of Shadows".  It's mostly stuff that was once on Catala's Wicca Page years and years ago.  So yeah, other than that... not much going on.


May 24, 2004
    I took an awesome class at my local metaphysical store this past Saturday.  It was about Potions and Brews.  So after having bought some good tea from Scent by Spirit, I learned how to make some delicious teas of my own.  So, I've been drinking super yummy tea made by me! Woot! So that's it for today.


May 14, 2004
    Added a new section today, called Witchy Stuff.  I figured it was about time to get a section on actual Witch Crafts, and so here it is.  I figure it's going to grow large enough to warrant its own site after some time.  Who knows?  
    I've finished my Intermediate Witchcraft classes at my local metaphysical store... which means that I am now an official Advanced student.  O_o.  Spooky.  I've also realized that it has almost been a year since I birthed this website... and began to really get serious about my religious practices.  What a long strange trip this has been.


April 16, 2004
    Well, so spring has arrived at last.  I'm so glad.  Been taking my witchcraft classes, and they've been so much fun.  I really enjoy taking them.  School has been rough as all get up.  Especially last quarter... I did terribly... if anyone has seen my blog lately, you'll know what I'm talking about.  My son turns 3 in two weeks.  Scares the heck out of me.  My baby isn't a baby anymore!! *Waaah!*  Oh, well, I'll get over it.
    I've been spending a lot of time working on my Sister Site, The Wheel of the Year, and have added a message forum to it, so feel free to pop on by and start chatting with each other.  It hopefully will turn into something really awesome.  Well, that's it for now... chat at ya'll later!


March 01, 2004
    Spring is here! Mostly, that is.  Well, lots of things happening lately.  Intermediate Witchcraft classes at my local pagan shop start up on the 10th of this month.  I'm very excited.  I've been growing a lot more spiritually lately, as well, so this is going to be very good for me.  My son turns 3 years old next month (*sob* my baby isn't a baby anymore!).  And thank the Gods, quarter ends for college in a couple of weeks, so I'll get a much needed rest and relaxation period.  Today, I have Evanescence in the CD player, and I am totally rockin' out to it!


January 11, 2004
    Not much going on lately.  We just got done with an intense snow and ice storm last week.  Thankfully it's all melted and done with.
    I'm listening to the song "Lightning Crashes" by Live right now.  I love this song.  It brings chills up and down my spine, and it seems as though this song speaks of rebirth... if you listen to the words,  you'll know what I mean.  Gorgeous melody.  I love it.


January 01, 2004
    Well, another long gap in between updates.  Coven of the Far Flung Net has been changed dramatically, and I am probably going to start back at the beginning of First Circle, so that I can have a chance to learn the new material.  Not a big problem... well, a bit irksome, but one has to realize that sometimes things need to change, and I will more than likely benefit from the new system in ways that at the moment, I can't see.  So, yeah.  I'm waiting to see what our Priestess decides to do.


November 10, 2003
    Well, it's been a while since I last did an update.  I was finally accepted into the Second Circle today, and I'm very excited to get started.  Huzzah!


September 03, 2003
    I finished with my last lesson for the First Circle, and today, I sent in my Petition for Entry to the Second Circle.  I also taking part of a survey that an acquaintance of mine is doing on what my views of the future of Paganism will be.  It's a great survey, and my acquaintance has posed some really difficult, but great questions.  He has made me think about my answers and I love it when people challenge me like that.  
    On a sillier note, I started collecting Barbie™ dolls again.  The My Scene collection.  They are so much fun!!  I have 3 in the Spring Break collection, and only need 1 more to complete the set.  After that I'm getting the first set of dolls (Fall) and the third set of dolls (Back-to-School).  Here I am at 22, almost 23 years old, playing with Barbie dolls.  But I can't stop!  Too much fun!  I keep changing their clothes and make them do such silly things.  Ahh, the memories of childhood!  I'm getting nostalgic again!


August 10, 2003
    I finished with Summer Quarter at my college last week, and won't be going back until next month.  Yay!  I've decided to add a new section to this website as well.  "Ravenna's Featured Sabbat Activities" or something along those lines.  Either way, it'll be mostly for kids stuff.  Check back soon, it'll be up by the end of this week.


July 19, 2003
    Well it's been a while since I last updated.  I just finished Lesson Five - the Fire Visualization.  I think I may take a bit of a break before I actually start working on Lesson Six... it's a little more complicated than I had originally thought it would be.  But that's life, and this is the path that I've chosen... it takes work in order to make it.  On a lighter note, I received the Terms of Service Agreement paperwork from CFFN yesterday, so now, I'm an official member of CUEW and CFFN.  Hurray!


June 19th, 2003
    Well, I've been having a bit of success with my Earth Visualization from Lesson Three, and I think tomorrow, I'm going to start working on Lesson Four... which includes the Water and Air Visualizations.  I did my next set of God and Goddess papers, this time on a couple of Egyptian deities that I'm not really familiar with, so it was interesting to do a wee bit of research on them.  I'm really glad to be a part of Clan Holy Well Sacred Flame... they make me feel as though I finally belong in the Wiccan Community, and have a group of people who I can share my experiences with.  I'm so glad that there are people like that in this world.
    On a stranger note, my boyfriend's brother wants me to teach him UEW, but I told him he has to either wait until I finish Second Circle (which won't be for quite a while) or he can apply directly to CFFN himself, and apply to a clan listed there who happens to be accepting members at this time.


June 16th, 2003
    I've added a new section, my God and Goddess Papers, which I've written as part of a Clan Holy Well Sacred Flame project.  I'm happy with the ones that I've done so far, and one of my Clan mates, VeRa said that I've even added a new pantheon to the bunch... Asian mythology.  Whoo-hoo!  Today, I'm going to add a couple of other neat little things to the webpage!


June 01st, 2003
    I had the most horrifying realization this month... I am a fluff bunny Wiccan!  Dear gods, no! I've also realized that since I began visiting the Church of Universal Eclectic Wicca website, I've learned more there in one month than in 6 years of independent study!  it just goes to show that one must really know how to pick and choose and use their instincts on the things that they are learning.
    I've read many, many books on the subject of Wicca, and I have my particular favorites, but I've also realized that I've grown out of other books and authors.  Like Silver RavenWolf, when I was a teenager, her books were great.  They were perfect for what I was seeking, but now that I'm an adult, I've grown out of that "the Universe is a friendly place" attitude.  I know that life isn't always black and white, and that sometimes those lines between "right" and "wrong" are blurred with shades of gray.

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