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Everyday Wicca

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Again this is material from Catala's Witchcraft Page. Not bad as far as suggestions go for living the Wiccan Life Daily.

Even when we're not lighting candles and casting circles, it's best to live in a Wiccan manner.  Life itself can be seen as a ritual to the Goddess and God.

Many, however, have difficulty in finding the spiritual nature of their everyday lives.  We can become mesmerized by the smoke and mirrors of society's trappings and diversions; equally, our home life, employment, bills and other mundane factors can weigh us down until we begin to question everything.  Washing dishes can become an exploration of the powers of the element of Water.  Working is an opportunity to feel the energy of other people.  Cleaning up the yard teaches us important lessons regarding the seasons. Even attending school is an exercise in utilizing our consciousness, and viewing the lessons from a spiritual standpoint can be quite enlightening.

Indeed, a Wiccan viewpoint can get us through hard times. To be able to tap this source of peace, however, we must first realize that Wicca isn't limited to ritual, prayer and magick. Wicca is a way of life as much as it's a religion. Applying Wicca's principles to our world is one of the simplest methods of bring Wicca into our daily lives. The following are suggestions. You may have different interpretations.

Set aside at least five minutes a day as "sacred time". During this five minutes you can simply think about your place in life and Wicca's role, or you can perform other activities directly or indirectly related to Wicca.

bulletMake an offering to the Goddess and God each day
bulletMorning and Evening meditation
bulletMorning and Evening prayers or thanks
bulletWorking arts or crafts with a Wiccan theme
bulletListening to classical or contemporary Pagan music
bulletTending or planting plants and flowers
bulletJournalizing about your Wiccan investment
bulletCorresponding with other Wiccans
bulletMeditating (or psychically attuning) with stones
bulletWriting new rituals
bulletExperimenting with new methods of divination
bulletCollecting magickal herbs
bulletVisiting gardens or parks
bulletListening and communication with animals
bulletReading Pagan fairy tales (there really isn't any other kind) to your children

This list can be greatly extended.  Indeed, once we begin to think of how Wicca has influenced our lives, a wide range of activities can be performed during such sacred time.