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To some people, the idea that "magick" is practical comes as a surprise.  It shouldn't.  The entire basis for magick is to exercise influence over one's environment.  While magick is also, and properly so, concerned with spiritual growth and psychological transformation, even the spiritual life must rest firmly on material foundations.

Magick can, and should, be used in one's daily life for better living!  Each of us has been given Mind and Body, surely we are under Spiritual obligation to make full usage of these wonderful gifts.  Mind and Body work together, and magick is simple the extension of this interaction into dimensions beyond the limits normally conceived.  That's why we commonly talk of the "super-normal" in connection with domain of magick.  The Body is alive, and all Life is an expression of the Divine.  There is god-power in the Body and in the Earth, just as there is in Mind and Spirit.

With Love and Will, we use Mind to link these aspects of Divinity together to bring about change.  With magick we increase the flow of Divinity in our lives and in the world around us.  We add to the beauty of it all - for to work magick we must work in harmony with the Laws of Nature and of the Psyche.  Magick is the flowering of Human Potential.

Practical magick is concerned with the Craft of living well and in harmony with Nature, and with the magick of the Earth, in the seasons and cycles and in the things we make with hand and Mind.

~ Llewellyn Publications

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Many Wiccans practice magick.  They use ceremonies, or Rituals, to call upon, and honor, the God and Goddess.  It is during these Rituals that prayers, requests, and thanks are offered up to the gods and goddesses.  There are many types of Rituals that can be done, all suited to fit the need at the time.  Most Wiccans will make up their own Rituals, using the tools they feel most comfortable with; a wand, usually are very careful to have their references and Book of Shadows available to them during the Ritual.

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The Rede of the Wiccae

  1. Bide the Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust.

  2. Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give.

  3. Cast the Circle thrice about, to keep all evil spirits out.

  4. To bind the spell every time, let the spell be spoke in rhyme.

  5. Soft of eye and light of touch, speak ye little and listen much.

  6. Deosil go by waxing moon, sing and dance the Witches' Rune.

  7. Widdershins go when the Moon doth wane, and werewolf howls by the dread Wolfsbane.

  8. When the Lady's Moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.

  9. When the Moon rides at Her peak, then your heart's desire seek.

  10. Heed the Northwind's mighty gale, lock the door and drop the sail.

  11. When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss thee on the mouth.

  12. When the Westwind blows o'er thee, departed spirits restless be.

  13. When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.

  14. Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.

  15. Elder be ye Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed you'll be!

  16. When the Wheel begins to turn, let the Beltaine fires burn.

  17. When the Wheel has turned to Yule, light the log - the Horned One rules.

  18. Heed ye flower, bush and tree, and by the Lady blessed be!

  19. Where the rippling waters flow, cast a stone and truth you'll know.

  20. Whenever you have a need, harken not to others' greed.

  21. With the fool no season spend, nor be counted as his friend.

  22. Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

  23. Mind the Threefold Law you should, three times bad and three times good.

  24. When misfortune is enow, wear the Blue Star on your brow.

  25. True in love ever be, unless thy lover is false to thee.

  26. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill; "an it harm none, do as ye will."

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