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Lesson Two

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Ways to Live My Life By the Five Points of Wiccan Belief

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

The Wiccan Rede

I will help out in my community, and get to know my neighbors better.  I will donate my time and useable items to the women’s shelter and the free baby clothes center down the street.  I will treat everyone I meet with dignity and respect. I will have a better attitude in my day-to-day life, and I will not be intentionally cruel to others. I will remember to act in kindness and compassion instead of anger and intolerance.  I will pick and choose my battles, and remember not to fight with others.  

Very Good, but difficult to achieve. Very difficult indeed. Let me know how it works out.  One should be seeing a change over time to a more “tranquil” state. But it gets very hard when faced with challenges, and takes patience.  Let me know...

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The Law of Return

I will help others who are in need, even if it’s a stranger.  I will right wrongs that I have done.  I will be kinder when I am driving, and not give that other guy the “bird” when I get cut off, because I may need to cut someone off someday.  I will learn to forgive others who have hurt me.  I will give of my time and effort, as much as I can without sacrificing my own families needs, to volunteer at homeless shelters, soup kitchens and blood drives.

  Very simple and to the point. Easily achieved. A good start. As time goes by, you should be looking deeper and farther ahead, looking more and more for those things which will return to you the greatest joy. For me, becoming steadily more active in Wicca and striving for my Clergy status, not for the status, but more for the chance to learn, and teach. I have learned from everyone in the Clan, especially you. For I have to step back and read things from your perspective, which is much more personal than mine. So, to stop a rambling… Seek out more and look deeper, and a way of life will develop for you.

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The Ethic of Self-Responsibility

I will accept the responsibility for my choices and actions, whether they are good or bad.  I will spend more time with my family and friends.  I will be better role model for my son.  I will become involved in something that I believe in, or feel particularly passionate about. I will admit when I am wrong, and will not blame others for the bad things that happen to me, because, more than likely, I brought it on myself.  

Another good point. I am intrigued by your statement that you more then likely, brought it on yourself. How will you react to something which is not your fault? How will you take responsibility for the event and consequences?

  Sometimes bad things happen to good people, even if they didn’t bring it upon themselves.  I will strive to remember not to lose my temper and throw a fit if something bad happens to me that isn’t my fault.  I will learn from the event and accept whatever consequences happen to follow.

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The Ethic of Constant Improvement

I will learn from my mistakes and make an effort to not repeat them.  I will improve my life by studying hard and following my dreams.  I will raise my son to be the best person he can be, a fine upstanding young man of the community.  I will live my life with love and compassion, and teach my son to do the same.  I will never stop learning, and will strive to learn something new each day, even if it’s some small useless piece of information.  I will quit smoking and live my life in a healthier manner.  

I encourage the stop smoking!!!! It is also a major part, (IMHO) of the Ethic of Self responsibility.  I want to know what is your dreams, and how you will achieve them. How does this Ethic impact your dreams, and does it strengthen your resolve?

Once upon a time, I wanted to be a famous singer... now, I want to maintain my privacy, and not seek fame.  My dream now is to own my own video game company... one that will rival SquareSoft (the creators of the Final Fantasy© series) in quality.  I will call my company Fusion Gaming Industries.  In order to achieve my dreams I must go to school to learn programming skills.  Which I am currently doing now.  I dream of having a house someday, that has at least 3 bedrooms, a big kitchen and a bathtub that will fill all the way up with hot water.  In order to achieve this dream, I must get a job that allows me to make enough income to purchase such a house and pay all the bills that accompany it.

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The Ethic of Attunement

I will take 5 minutes out of each day to just be by myself and vege out in my own thoughts.  I will enjoy more time out of doors with my son, enjoying the beauty of nature.  I will take time to improve my violin skills.  I will live, love, laugh, and make a joyful noise.  I will always be myself (even if I still dye my hair red).  I will live each day for the betterment of my life and my son’s life.  I will plant that garden that I’ve been talking about for years.  I will listen to what the gods have to teach me.

Ok... Good, but incomplete. Tell me more of how you are going to get closer to the divine? How will you alter your life to become closer to the Lady and Lord? What brings you closer to them?  Attunement is very sacred, and personal. You need not tell me any details, but I would like you to look inside and see how you can bring yourself closer to the Lady and Lord, and what you can do on a daily bases to strengthen that bond.

I will pray daily, meditate and listen to my own unconscious mind.  Prayer to the gods is one way for me to come closer to them... ritual and music are another way for me to become closer to the gods.

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Broader Thinking Question – Have you ever done something that screamed “Karmic Warning"?

This is a bit difficult to answer, because for the most part of my life, I’ve been pretty darn good about staying on the “straight and narrow” path.  Not that I haven’t done my fair share of bad things and bad choices, but I’m not sure.

I get strange “feelings” every once in a great while, especially if I’m about to make a bad choice, and that’s usually enough to warn me off my path.  You know the feeling, the one that’s like “Man, I just got this feeling…maybe I shouldn’t do (insert activity here).”  It gets a bit freakish sometimes.

Oh wait! HA! I remember back in September 2002, I had just bought my car 3 days before this incident.  I decided to drive to Kirkland, which is a good hour-long drive from my house.  My friend went with me and after ignoring my own little creepy feeling… we left for Kirkland.  We were going to go visit someone that I was mad at, so that I could lecture him about whatever it was that I was ticked about (don’t remember what it was though) so anyway, I got lost and was driving around in circles when, all of a sudden a police officer flashed his lights at me.  I looked over at my friend and in a very wobbly voice asked, “Am I getting pulled over?”  She was like, “yup!”  So I got my first speeding ticket that day for doing 35 mph in a 25mph school zone ($159 ticket… ouch!!).  I knew I shouldn’t have gone out there that day, and when I got that ticket, we turned right around and went home.  That was my karmic warning payback right in the pocket book.

LOL, yep, I would agree that you ignored a proper Karmic warning!  I liked your responses overall. I had a few questions, all asked above, and you can feel free to post this lesson and your responses if you wish to the Clan list. Very Good job!  I am also very impressed with your writing (wish I had more time to do some myself). You have contributed enormously to the Clan!

Bright Blessings and Love,


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