Thank's for coming... "Sieg's Page" has come a long way, first as a simple little chat-room site to a messege board community, then we added flash games, and then downloads. Now I plan on really working hard to try and update it at least once a month. So sit back watch some funny clips, play some cool games, chat with people, and stay tuned for all the new updates that are to come. I'm asking people to send me any funny pics or clips they might find on the net, so if you have any you'd like to share justsend them to me and I will post them. Please come back and visit again!
ChatScheduale 02/01-28/05
Monday through Friday... 5:00P.M.- 12:00A.M. PacificTime
Saturday through Sunday 12:00P.M.- 2:00A.M. PacificTime
If you wanna chat with me, and I'm not in the room, just e-mail me and I'll try and come and join the chat.