(A Prophetic Word For the body of Christ in Kilkenny, Donegal, &
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Kilkenny, Donegl and Leedsshall be in on this (revival) too, says the
Lord. For I see a campaign of such magnitude in which My church shall be engaged
says the Lord. O the glory---O the glory that you shall see manifested in your
midst. And the unity and the beauty of holiness. For you says the Lord are the
pillars--even as the pillars in the temple of Solomon and so I have named you:
As Jachin="He will establish--as the one pillar--and
Boaz="Willingness=" the other. For I have laid the foundation of this
house says the Lord, and I also will finish it.
I shall stretch forth the rod of My power and My authority over you and great
and mighty works you'll behold. The sick shall be brought from the neighboring
communities and I iwll heal and deliver them as at the pool of Bethesda. For
there is a great multitude that have been waiting for a miracle.
And I will walk---as in Solomon's Porch---(John 10:23) and a
great multitude who have not known that I love them as much as I do, shall
receive a demonstration of My tender compassion . For I know their frame that
they are but dust.
And that work that I do here shall not be a passing thing, but it shall
be established. For when they experience My presence, they will never want to go
back to living like they did before. So I say: Be prepared! For I am about to
throw out the gospel net. And I will make you fishers of men.
O you will laugh with delight as I fill the hungry with good thins. For
you will have meetings that will last long into the night. And I will pour and
pour and pour out of My Spirit upon these waiting and hungry hearts.
O gather your leaders and the people and seek My face like Hannah, who
prayed and I granted her the petition she asked of Me.
It is coming! That which you have prayed for says the Lord. It is coming in
on every wave. And O the excitement that it will generate, as I walk in your
midst and perform My mighty works. You have waited a long time for this that I
am about to do.
Donegal, you stand at the threshold of one of the mightiest out-pourings
of My Spirit that this world has ever known. And I would have you to ponder in
the days ahead and to count the cost for this that you have asked, for many
things will be required of you. There will be a relinquishing of many things
that you once held dear, that you might possess as it were, that pearl of
great price."But O if you will--the world is your oyster. For you will never
look at this world the same again.
I am coming in such power and holiness, that at times there will be a
holy hush--a silence--that will reign, as My children behold My face in
righteousness and simply marvel at My beauty says the Lord. And in these times
do not attempt to "make something happen." For I say that "something is
happening." For those who have been estranged are being joined---are being
brought together in a way they never knew before.
And it is a way of righteousness and of holiness says the Lord. And it
shall cause them to walk before Me cautiously and to treat one another
carefully--and not to take My Presence lightly----not to trample in My
As I move mightily in your midst, at times you will see mass healings
and deliverance that simply come as a result of them beholding Me face to face
as it were and receiving a revelation of My power and love.
Healings and miracles --yes, even in marriages and families, as those
who were separated are again united, "in Me." You shall scarcely be able to
recognize many of these faces for the glory of the Lord that shall so emmanate
from their countenance says the Lord
As surely as I walk among you, in this hour; there is coming an ever
deepening revelation of the power of the of the Lamb. And you will need it
in the days ahead, for I am going to send you some places where I will heal
ALL their diseases." For a long time now, My church has looked at the giants,
even as Israel, who looked at the Canaanites 900 chariots of iron--and they
determined in their hearts which enemies were just simply too difficult to drive
But a NEW BREED is coming forth says the Lord, "Who will not judge after
the sight of their eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of their ears. And
it's not at the stature of the giants upon which they look. For I have been
enthroned within their minds and hearts and they have a covenant with Me that I
alone will they worship and serve.
Your government is in store for some changes says the Lord. For I have looked
and seen the frustration of My people. Is anything too hard for Me? Why
should you learn to "live with it?" When the Most High rules in the
kingdoms of men?
A wide-spread "spirit of defeat has exuded it's influence over My
people for too long, until they have felt that the situation is hopeless. But I
am your HOPE, sure and stedfast as the anchor of your souls and I have entered
into that within the veil. And this is where I would have My church to live and
reign in life by one Christ Jesus. For things are different from this vantage
point says your Lord. From here, the principalities and powers are under your
feet--and you walk in the power and authority of your God.
It is a rod of authority and power that you shall stretch forth over the
nations My own.--and see the Red Sea part as it were, so that you walk across on
dry ground. And this is the heart revelation that believes that I have power to
heal "all their diseases." And not just a handful of sick folk being relieved of
their aches and pains.
For I would have you to believe "Great and Mighty is He, and to mean it with
all of your hearts. It is not My intent that My people remain in a holding
pattern while all around them slips and gives way. But that they should go from
strength to strength.Being conformed daily to the image of My Son: Who
said: "The prince of this world comes and finds nothing in Me.
Believe Me for the greater works I promised you I would do. For there is
coming--and not far off, for you a light breaking forth as the dawn and
it is You My church--fair as the moon, clear as the sun and terrible as an army
with banners. In nothing terrified of your adversaries, but striking into
the heart of the king of darkness himself.
For when he sees that he cannot buy you, nor bend you to his way of
thinking, he will cower before you and cease to exercize the sway over My people
that he has thus far. I am your Light. Your Everalsting Light, and I AM coming
to you My church in such revelation knowledge that you will never be the same
This shall come in many forms--for I am targeting strongholds and
revealing Myself and My glory in a dimension that will not only astound you--but
the world. Receive Me and the revelation of My Word and cleave to it as Eleazar
who fought till the sword clave to his hand. As the twain become "ONE FLESH."
And I will stand you before kings and princes and "reveal My Son in
Watch and see now if I do not bring forth this revelation of My Word and
of Myself from deep within the subterranean depthes of your very own being. For
I shall even use the very young as well as the wisdom of the old.
It shall seem as if it is bubbling up and forming pools in various
patterns and areas. Some will wish to record these as they shall fit together
like the pieces of a puzzle into a beautiful harmonious whole. There shall be
waters to swim in." And it shall flow from the throne of your
Do not fear losing controll" or getting in over your head. But
try everything by My Word and seek Me regarding those things you do not fully
understand or that concern you. Seek My Presence at all times, that we might
walk and talk together as a man talks to hsi friend.
I am removing the despondancy and dejection that has
plagued My people for so long. And the joy---the everlasting joy that shall be
upon your heads shallbe so wonderful and so marvellous that at times some of you
shall will feel like you have died and gone to heaven. But these are the
"days of heaven on earth you have read of in My word.
Your meetings will be like a foretaste of heaven and glory divine, into
which I shall even bring the press--those skeptivcal newspaper reporters, and
some shall write from a new perspective when they get up off of the
This is just the beginning. Come with Me--Take My hand. I have many wonderful
things to show you that are even too marvellous for words. These are the days of
(NEW) wine and roses for My church. Gather ye rosebuds while ye May--for they
shall blossom in My Presence and the fragrance that shall emmanate from these
shall fill the earth with the sweet perfume of your Father's Glory. The
glory of the Only Begotten of the Father--full of Grace and Truth.
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