The Kentucky Revival or the Second Great Awakening

So, my friends, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues; but all things should be done decently and in order. I Corinthians 14:39-40

The bible teaches us "Let all things be done unto edifying." The same Lord Jesus Christ who said: "It's necessary for me to go through Samaria," still visits the camps of those with whom we disagree. They may or may not receive all God has for them. Revivals are often quenched, when the Spirit of the Lord is grieved by the insensitivity of those who try to manipulate God's processes, by the works of the flesh. Let's keep this foremost in our minds and hearts, as we seek the Lord to send bright showers of revival.

There's a lesson to be learned from the Cane Ridge Revival, about what God considers "decently and in order." It's not man's order. God has a divine order. This is what is crucial for the church in this hour.

It was the summer of 1799, and at the Red River meeting house (near the Tennessee-Kentucky border). As was customary, the people met together from Friday until Monday morning. Mr. Rankin, Mr. Hodge and William McGee, Presbyterian preachers, and John McGee, brother of William, a Methodist preacher, were present, at the services. Nothing remarkable occurred until Monday. Sudeenly in the midst of Mr. Hodge sermond, a woman at the extreme end of the house, gave vent to her feelings in loud cries and shouts.

Following the dismissal of the congregation, the people seemed to not want to leave, and instead they remained, many silently weeping in every part of the house.

"Wm. McGee experienced God's power come upon him in such a way, that he, left his seat and sat down on the floor, while John sat trembling under the power of God." John McGee felt an irresistible urge to preach and the people were eager to hear him. He began, and again the woman interupted with shouting and would not be silenced.

"Too much agitated to preach, he expressed his belief that there was a greater than he preaching and exhorted the people to let the Lord God Omnipotent reign in their hearts, and to submit to him, and their soul should live. Upon this, many broke silence and the renewed vociferations of the female before mentioned, were tremendous.

The Methodist preacher, whose feelings were now wrought up to the highest pitch after a brief debate in his own mind, came to the conclusion that it was his duty to disregard the usual orderly habits of the denomination, and passed along the aisle shouting and exhorting vehemently. The clamor and confusion were increased tenfold: the flame was blown to its height: screams for mercy were mingled with shouts of ecstasy, and a universal agitation pervaded the whole multitude, who were bowed before it as a field of grain waves before the wind."

Every settlement along the Green river and the Cumberland was full of religious fervor. Men filled their wagons with beds and provisions and traveled fifty miles to camp upon the ground and hear him preach. The idea was new, hundreds adopted it, and camp meetings began.

The first camp meeting was held at the Gasper River Church, in July, 1800; soon spread, and a dozen encampments quickly followed. Meetings were held in the woods near some church that could furnish lodging for the preachers. Here is a revival account account:

As the excitement increased, the crowd rushed from preacher to preacher, singing, shouting, laughing, calling upon men to repent, and men and women fell out under the power of God's Holy Spirit. Those who fell were gathered up and carried to the meeting house, where the "spiritually slain: as they called them, were laid out on the floor. Some remained quiet, unable to move or speak. Others could talk, but were unable to move. Still others shrieked as though in greatest agony, and thrashed about "like a fish out of water."

The spread of the Kentucky revival began in Christian and Logan Co., Kentucky and in the Spring of 1801, reached Mason Co., Kentucky. Beginning at Flemingsburgh in April, moving to Cabin Creek, where a camp meeting was held, then Concord, in Bourbon County, by the last of May and Eagle Creek in Adams Co., Ohio in the beginning of June.

Meetings were in quick succession at Pleasant Point, Kentucky; Indian Creek, in Harrison county (July); Cane Ridge, near Paris, Bourbon county (August). There in the blaze of the camp fires, impassioned exhortations, earnest prayers; shrieks, sobs, or shouts, were heard. Those who went into and helped form this spiritual awakening, were afterward called the New Lights.

Tom & Alana Campbell 5214 South 2nd Avenue Everett, Wa 98203-4113 Telephone (425) 252-2981

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