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Living Nightmare

Tamara, Guardian of Fortune and Fate

I lay in bed, and wait for morrow,
Dreaming dreams filled with sorrow.
Feeling nervous, I awaken
Only to find that someone had taken
The Universe, for time itself was paused.
I looked around with open jaws.
As if it living, I clutched my pillow,
While the shady swaying of the willow
Outside caused
My anxious, angry terror to burrow deep into my heart.
I found, to enjoy one moment of being sane,
I condemn myself to eternal pain.
Evil entities danced around,
Until I fell upon the ground.
Stars in sad, uncertain skies
Burned themselves into mine eyes.
Crouched I sat in the corner,
Breathing, LIVING then no longer.
And the demons, as they left the room,
Left it feeling as a tomb.

Copyright 2000 Caitlin Carlson