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Paradise Found






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This page is dedicated to my favourite artist. A lady of great imagination, vision, creativity and above all drive. She is awe-inspiring, wise, very funny and very strong.
My beloved adored grandmother.

I will only include a comment at certain times as the views are pretty much self explanatory.

My beloved grandmother with her favourite part of gardening: mowing the lawn. Since there are about 20 acres of garden you can imagine that it takes a machine like this to manage it. 
This is a very deep and ancient little well near her house that held special magical powers in the imaginations of my childhood.
Descent into the valley.
These leaves are as big as umbrellas and have been used as such before when one of the many yet always unexpected showers descend on the meanderer. 
To the left you can just make out my little dachshund who loves to accompany me through the paradise of my childhood.