I hope you're enjoying the "Funny Poems For Kids" web site! Please visit Silly Mommy's NEW Website MyStoriesAndPoems.com. Let her tutor your poetry writing skills with her ThemeStory Poetry Lessons...Earn free critiques!


Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Who writes the poems for your site?

Answer: R. Renée; Bembry AKA Silly Mommy writes all poems found on this site with the exception of those displayed on the "Kids' Page". The poems found on the "Kids' Page" are sent in by children who want to add their poems to FunnyPoemsForKids.com. That way they get to see their work displayed on the net. They also get to share their poems with others.

Question: How do you come up with ideas for your poems?

Answer: I get ideas for poems by observing children. I like to watch what they do and listen to what they have to say. Once I get an idea, I work to turn it into something humorous, or sad, or strange.

Question: How do I get my poem on your web site?

If you want your poem displayed on this site, submit it in the poem submission form on the left-hand side of this page or just click here. Your poem will be evaluated to make sure it fits the theme of this website. If necessary, minor changes will be made to correct punctuation or spelling errors for poems that are accepted for posting to the site. In some cases, minor changes may be made as necessary to make poems more understandable to other readers. NOTE: Poems are displayed at website owner's discretion. If your work is not chosen, young poets, just keep trying to improve your skills and feel free to submit again.

Question: I need help with a school poem. Will you critique it for me?

Answer: Silly Mommy will critique any poem you like. Find her Poetry Critique Instructions at her other website "MyStoriesAndPoems.com"

Question: Will you become the owner of my poem if I send it to you?

Answer: No! Your poem will remain your poem. It will be displayed with a byline containing your name and age if you send that information. Otherwise, it will contain a byline that says it was written by anonymous.

Question: What if I want to remove my poem from your web site?

Answer: You may send an e-mail to SillyMommy@mystoriesandpoems.com at anytime if you wish to have your poem removed. The webmaster will remove it as soon as she receives the request.

Question: Who draws the pictures for your site?

Answer: R. Renée Bembry creates most of the illustrations that accompany the poems. However, she also has permissions to use Art by Mareena.

Question: May I use one of your poems for a school report?

Answer: Yes. You may use my poem for a school report. However, you must not say that you are the author of the poem. In other words, you cannot use my poem and write your name under it. You must say that you got the poem from this web site and that it was written by children's poet R. Renée; Bembry - also known as (AKA) Silly Mommy!! It is against the law to claim credit for another person's writings or drawings.

Question: Will you send me some of your poems?

Answer: Ms. Bembry does not send out poems. However she does offer them on "Designer Pages". You can find them at her other website MyStoriesAndPoems.com.

If you have additional question, feel free to ask them in the poem submission box just to the left of my Hoola Girl's head... and... thanks for asking!

** Now For FUNNY POEMS **

:)Choose your title below!!(:

"My Computer"
Little girl takes over computer!!

"Slow Sonny Boy"
Read about this slowpoke kid. Are you as slo-ow as he is?

"Talk, Talk, Talk Poem"
Poem about kid who talks wa-a-ay too much!

"Sleigh Ride"
Up and down kids go on a sled.

Brother Shark!!
What makes this boy turn into a shark?

"A Family's Hands"
Does your family have hands like this one?

This boy sure sweats a lot!!

Family Shopping Center
Hard to Find Toys and More

Want to learn how to write poems like those found on this site?
Visit MyStoriesAndPoems.com and Silly Mommy will teach you how.

Thanks for visiting!