School Bus Trip - A Children's Poem
By R. Renée Bembry
Find out what happens as this kid readies himself to go on a school trip with his class.
School bus trips usually bring smiles, fun, laughter, and excitement to young boys and girls as they break up the monotony of everyday class work. The thought of taking trips on school buses can get the juices flowing just thinking about rolling down the road with your friends and teachers inside those long multi-seated vessels.
No matter how hard teachers and bus drivers try, however, sometimes things go a bit haywire and do not turn out the way everyone expects. When this happens, worrisome moms and dads often step in to pick up the pieces; especially in cases wherein their own children were involved.
Let's find out how the kid in this school bus trip manages while his class is ready to take their annual outing with classmates, teachers, parents and their bus driver. :}
School Bus Trip
by R. Renée Bembry
Sid's class was getting on a school bus
En route to the zoo.
I waved to him and noticed the loose string
On his right shoe.
I called him
But he did not stop.
He jumped to make a bunny hop.
His shoe flew off and went kerplop
On the bus driver's head.
"Oh, oh, yatta tatta boy!
Oh, oh, yatta tatta boy!
Oh, oh, yatta tatta boy!"
Was all the driver said.
Once on the bus
He took a seat
Then tied his shoelace nice and neat.
Just as the bus started to go
He gazed out of the side window.
Sid stood up and he said, "OH, no!
My lunch is on the classroom floor.
I've got to go and get it - please?
Oh, no! Here comes a great big sneeze
And someone said, "Bless You."
The sneeze sprayed the face of a kid
Who stood and said,
"Golly gee, Sid!
I do not like sneeze spray on me.
Next time cover up
Like this - see?"
He covered up his face to show
How to keep your sneeze spray from go
Ing all over the place and
Then faked a sneeze into his hand.
But when he took his hand away
His face was red, and blue, and gray.
No one knew why he looked that way.
And no one had a word to say.
The driver stopped and Sid jumped down;
Started to run where he was bound.
He ran, he skipped, he hopped, he tripped
On a sidewalk crack.
What a blip!
He sailed up in the air and then;
Came falling right back down
That's when;
He scraped his knee and nicked his chin;
Got nine whole stitches;
Almost ten.
His mother had to take him home.
No zoo for Sid.
His day was blown!
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