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Captain Knockers

and the

Islamic Goat Herders of Death

based on a true story

Chapter Two: The Swearing of Vengeance

After the sex orgy, the Islamic Goat Herders of Death build Captain Knockers a worthy sea vessel (ie a boat). Captain Knockers is inspecting the vessel when a strange noise followed by screaming is heard. He rushes back to the Goat Herders to see four of the children being abducted by Robotic Monkeys from Hell! By the time he has retreived his Crossbow of Death, it is too late.

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A Pirate Ship

Captain Knockers is disappointed, but the Herders assure him its not his fault. He learns that this is not the first time this has happened, and that their children being kidnapped by Robotic Monkeys from Hell is fairly common. The Islamic Goat Herders explain they seeking revenge for the abduction of their children.
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Bend over a little bit furthur Islam boy

Captain Knockers proposes they become his crew, and set sail with him to find their children. The Islams willingly accept, and prepare to set sail.

And it came to pass that Captain Knockers and 350 Islamic Goat Herders of Death set sail on the seas of death.

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Some fag on a boat

Whilst out on the seas, Captain Knockers decides to stop for supplies at the local "Blow it out your Arse" convenience store, when Lo and Behold the ROBOTIC MONKEYS FROM HELL storm the deck of the boat as they pull into the island.... IT IS THE AMBUSH OF DEATH!

The ambush soon turns to a maelstrom of death and blood and offal as many are killed. After the fight, there are only 69 Goat Herders left. The Monkeys retreat, but not before Captain Knockers shoots one in the leg. He pins him down and holds the Crossbow of Death to his head and gives him one hell of an interrogating.

He learns the children are being held in the Sodomy Caves of Death, the Robotic Monkeys from Hell's underground lair.

"Please dont hurt me!" pleads the Monkey. "I was only taking orders from Captain Birdseye!"

"Captain Birdseye eh? My arch-enemy and master mind of the lucrative child pornography industry... I knew he was behind this!"

Knockers learns Captain Birdseye has recruited the robotic monkeys from hell to rid the world of knockers (not just Captain Knockers, all knockers) and steal some young Islamic boys for his upcoming production "Knob Goblin III: Arabian Nights in the BDSM Chamber." He also learns Birdseye has plotted an affair with Mrs Wigg, is holding her captive in the Sodomy Cave of Death and that leather bondage is in fasion.

Captain Knockers is filled with rage, yet is also given some hope. Mrs Wigg is alive! He swears vengeance on Birdseye for the death of his new friends, the rape of small boys and the capturing of his one true love.

Next Chapter