~ Stories ~
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I've recently changed Web Hosts & some of these Links broken, but it's only a mix up with "HTM" & "HTML" so if you get "404 Not Found" just add or subtract the "L" at the end of the URL & it should go through. Sorry for the inconvienence. I'm going through all my pages as fast as I can, but there are hundreds! Please be patient with me.
Sharri Lorraine's Blog
*~*~*~ and for some High Weirdness on the Net, ~*~*~*
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ check out these! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Robert Morning Sky's Terra Papers
Here is more information that has been shared by Robert Morning Sky, about the story by grandfather and the "ET" beings that crashed on Indian Land.
HOAX!!! --but Entertaining Story with pretty pix. There is Plagiarized Facts interwoven into the Fiction! ...See if you can discover the Truth...