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Razor and Ruudboy's Rainy Day Page

This, my friends, is Razor and Ruudboy's Rainy Day Page. In answer to the question that we know you're simply dying to ask, no, we really don't have anything better to do with our time. The reason this page exists is because we both enjoy rain quite a bit, so we waited until an actual rainy day came along and then spent it searching for and collecting various animated GIFs which had to do with rain, thunderstorms, etc. We then placed the GIFs right here for all the world to enjoy/ridicule as they see fit. Maybe it does prove that we have absolutely no lives outside of the Internet, but on the other hand...uh...well, never mind. We'll just come back to that later.

Anyway, it is our sincerest belief that this page won't depress you beyond the scope of all human comprehension, but unfortunately, it has been known to have that very effect on certain people. Please don't be apprehensive, though; just remember that if you do end up feeling a little "down in the dumps" as a result of what you see here, you can always go somewhere else for a little while, and hopefully that will help. However, if you're as big of a rain fanatic as we tend to be, you shouldn't have any major problems. As always, thanks for visiting...

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Contents Copyright 1998-2098 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

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Copyright 1998-2098 Razor and Ruudboy Productions/The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2038 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Contents Copyright 1998-2028 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

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Contents Copyright 1998-2038 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2098 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.
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