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Razor and Ruudboy: The Website - Navigation/Site Map

Razor and Ruudboy: The Website -
Celebrating our twenty-fourth year online (1998-2022).

hello there

Razor and Ruudboy Productions Presents...(Main Page)
The front page of Razor and Ruudboy: The Website. Chances are you've already seen it, but just in case...

Razor and Ruudboy's Amazing Evil Fantasy World
The original "Amazing Evil Fantasy World," left untouched (well, almost) since early 1998! Shockingly, this horrible page used to make up the entire website - though not for long, of course. Ahh, those were good times...a word of advice to potential visitors, though: Razor and Ruudboy's Amazing Evil Fantasy World is absolute garbage. Plus, it's really not all that evil, to be perfectly honest.

Entrance to Ruudboy's Personal Pathetic Fantasy World
The official entranceway to Ruudboy's personal (and yes, it is rather pathetic) home on the Web. This page was originally hosted on Fortunecity, but we moved it over here 'cuz it makes much more sense that way (relatively speaking).

Razor and Ruudboy's Random Stupid Quote Generator
The "wit and wisdom" of Razor and Ruudboy, with fresh quotes served up daily. One of our least popular features, for some odd reason.

Ryan "Ruudboy" Ford's Nickname List
The complete list of Ryan Ford's nicknames. Every last one of 'em. Count for yourself!

Razor and Ruudboy: The Interview
Get a revealing, close-up look into the personal lives of this website's creators (if you're actually interested, and we seriously doubt that you are).

Ruudboy's Real Movie of A UFO Flying Away
Undisputable proof that alien life DOES exist, courtesy of Ruudboy! It's actually not a "real" movie, though. Sorry. Try YouTube.

This Is Razor's Story
Razor sits us all down and forces us to sit through some ridiculous story. You'll love it, promise!

Please Give Us Free Toast
A request from Razor and Ruudboy that if you have free toast, do us a favor and share the wealth!

Razor and Ruudboy's Prepetually 3:00 AM Page
Be careful not to spend too much time here, or you might fall asleep. It happened to me! Well, okay, maybe it didn't really happen. But I still think that you should visit this page as soon as possible.

Razor and Ruudboy's Really Stupid Halloween Page
Just what it says.

Razor and Ruudboy's Christmas [and Snow] Page
Again, exactly what it says.

Razor and Ruudboy's Rainy Day Page
For those of us who enjoy rainy days (and who doesn't?).

A Picture of Ruudboy Eating A Cheese Sandwich
Candid snapshots of Ruudboy eating a cheese sandwich and drinking a soda.

Ruudboy's Favorite Painting
A well-known painting with a special "Ruudboy twist." We're sure you've seen this elsewhere, although you can thank us for the handsome new frame.

The Time That Ruudboy Went Skiing
In the mood for a laugh? Head on over to this page, and we can all degrade Ruudboy's sense of self-worth as he tries to jump a hill and ends up smashing into a tree. Ha! That's hilarious!!

Razor and Ruudboy's TV Room
A place where you can take a few minutes off from web surfing and relax by watching some TV. Uh, yeah...

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Here's A Picture of A YAK!
It's a picture of a yak. What else can we say? (This was Ruudboy's idea).

This Is Ruudboy's House
Have a look at Ruudboy's humble abode, at different times of the day, no less!

The Amazing True Story of Ruudboy
The true story of how the name "Ruudboy" originated and came to be used by the man we know as Ruudboy today.

The Page of Nothing
There's nothing to be seen on this page (and I do mean nothing). Seriously, there isn't. I'm not kidding.

Razor and Ruudboy's Amazing Pictures of Wrestling Title Belts...Oh, I Mean YAKS
The second-oldest section of this website; unfortunately, that's the only thing it has going for it. A hideous mistake, but we decided to leave it up - technically, it does pass for "content," after all. We think...

The True Essence of Razor and Ruudboy
The "true essence" of Razor (the cool one) and Ruudboy (the other one) finally revealed.

Bill Clinton World: A Collection of Bill Clinton Pictures and Animated GIFs
A follow-up on Razor and Ruudboy's Tribute to Bill Clinton.

Bag 'O' Cheese
Another strange section that really must be seen to be believed (and even after seeing it, you still probably won't believe it).

Click Here to View the DHTML-Enhanced Version Of Our Page
All the normal stuff, plus a few terrible "special effects" as well. The ironic thing is that this page is simply not worth visiting. Not even once.

Razor's [now defunct and somewhat unintentionally ironic] Anti-XOOM Page
"The first and the best" anti-XOOM page on the Web. Of course, it's totally obselete now because XOOM as a webspace provider doesn't even exist anymore...oh well. Fun while it lasted.

Click Here to Be Seriously Annoyed
If you actually visit this page, don't say we didn't warn you...(insert wicked laughter)

I Said Stop It!
The most useless and abstract page in the history of the World Wide Web (well, one of them, anyway).

Click Here to Leave
Are you sick of Razor and Ruudboy: The Website? Do you want to leave as soon as possible? Then DON'T click here!

The Tribute Pages:

NOTE: Razor and Ruudboy: The Website has compiled several "tribute" pages which are used to convey our immense respect for old friends, mentors and classmates (with the exception of Bill Clinton, who is, well...more of a joke). We do not recommend that you visit any of the "tribute" pages first if you wish to get the full Razor and Ruudboy experience; however, any one of them makes for a good (if slightly confusing) read if you've got a few minutes to waste. We thank you for your time.

A Special Tribute to Our "Hero"
A not-quite-touching touching "tribute" by Razor and Ruudboy to our "hero," William J. Clinton.

The Files - A Tribute to "Jitterbug"
Yet another tribute by Razor and Ruudboy to one of our former friends and mentors.

There's Brandon
No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to figure out the point of this page. Trust me?!

"Taylor-Made" for Fun - A Tribute to Adam
What do you think?

Razor and Ruudboy: The Website -

Proud member of The AGCS Network:
*Triple-D's Homepage / *AGCSWF Online / *Loserville City Limits / *Cris Lockridge...The Official Site

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Please visit our partner sites in the AGCS Network!

Contents Copyright 1998-2098 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2098 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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Please visit our partner sites in the AGCS Network!

Razor and Ruudboy's Cool-Looking Navigation System:

Copyright 1998-2098 Razor and Ruudboy Productions/The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2038 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Contents Copyright 1998-2028 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

Click Here for Site Navigation

Please visit our partner sites in the AGCS Network!

Contents Copyright 1998-2038 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2098 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.

hello there