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The Amazing Tale of Ruudboy!

Exhaustively Researched and Chronicled by Razor

In mid-1997, a young middle school student by the name of Andrew McShane decided that he needed to revamp his overall attitude and appearance so as to better "fit in" with his classmates at the school that he attended. Andrew, as you probably didn't know, suffers from a peculiar ailment (which, as far as research has proven, has no cure) that causes him to perpetually have a sarcastic, smart-alecky grin on his cherubic face.

While this admittedly strange condition is far from life-threatening and even has yet to be medically diagnosed and confirmed by a professional doctor, it had still begun to put a damper on the school-going public’s opinion of the young McShane; thus, he realized that he had to reinvent himself, and soon.

Andrew took it upon himself to ponder and question over this subject for hours at a time, taking care not to neglect his studies in such important and relevant subjects as World History and Algebra ½. Finally, Andrew hit upon a radical new style and personality, keeping the inescapable smile but changing almost everything else about himself; this new outlook on life could really only be summed up using one simple, yet beautiful word which Andrew himself is believed to have originated: RUUDBOY (pronounced "RUDE-boy").

Having taken on this new style, Andrew began to open up other little-known facets of his oft-maligned personality that had previously been kept from the general public. McShane also took up with two mentors who were both slightly older and wiser than he; in this way, he learned many new and fascinating things about school, life, and everything in between.

He even applied his artistic skills to the design of a special and meaningful logo for himself, which was known as the "Mark of Ruudboy" and came to be his calling card as he wrote it on various desks and books throughout each of his classrooms.

While most of the designs and hidden words found within the Mark are far too intricate and delicate to be explored here, a very clear evidence of Andrew’s genius was the fact that while leaving his mark all over the school and inside of people’s book covers, he somehow managed to evade punishment in any way, shape, or form in most cases, although there were certain times when his fate could not be escaped; however, he always managed to bounce back and emerge smiling.

In fact, those who were inspired by the Mark of Ruudboy and attempted to imitate it in their own crude ways were more often the ones who ended up getting caught and being forced to clean up their graffiti by angry administrators.

Regardless, soon after taking on his new persona, Andrew found that his popularity and trustworthiness in the eyes of others at their school began to skyrocket. Life was good once again for the young McShane, but eventually even he became a bit disillusioned with his own attitude, as some people seemed to be forgetting what a huge impact he had once made on their humble little school or ignoring him entirely as they had done before his attitude change. However, Andrew’s loyal mentors and longtime best friends stuck by him until the very end, which was to come sooner than anyone had ever thought (or hoped).

As the 1997-1998 school year began to wind down and the students’ thoughts turned to summer vacation, disaster struck and a totally unexpected problem arose when it was rumored at first, then confirmed by reliable sources that Andrew "Ruudboy" McShane would not be returning to the same school for the upcoming 1998-1999 year.

When asked why he had chosen to make this upsetting decision, Andrew cited a lack of financial security (meaning he couldn’t pay the exorbitant fees that the school charged in order for him to continue attending) and also the fact that he had become bored with his present surroundings and was ready for a slight change (meaning he planned to go back to home-schooling as he had done in the past).

Several of Andrew’s closest friends and admirers were truly distressed by this news, and it seemed to all that the once-thriving legend of Ruudboy was now slowly dying away and would no longer exist when the 1998-1999 school year rolled around. But one young high-schooler, who went by the name of Ryan "Lord Byron" Ford (among several others) still saw promise in the name of Ruudboy and felt that the now-famous legend simply had to be preserved and protected for future generations to come. So, he bravely and unselfishly abandoned (although not completely) his current nickname and instead took on the mantle of "The New Ruudboy."

Andrew McShane as well as many of Ryan Ford’s other friends at their school praised him for his wonderful and selfless act, and to this day, Ryan still proudly carries the name of Ruudboy as well as its time-honored legacy. The "Mark of Ruudboy," which Ryan had originally also taken up as part of his new moniker, has now been all but left in the dust, a faded memory of past conquests by McShane himself, but the innate and indescribable spirit and personality that first made a young man named Andrew who couldn’t stop smiling famous to everyone around him still exist, and it is to be hoped that they will always be with us in one way or another.


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Contents Copyright 1998-2098 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2038 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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Copyright 1998-2098 Razor and Ruudboy Productions/The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2038 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Contents Copyright 1998-2028 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

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Contents Copyright 1998-2038 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

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Razor and Ruudboy's Cool-Looking Navigation System:

Copyright 1998-2098 Razor and Ruudboy Productions/The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2038 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Contents Copyright 1998-2028 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

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Contents Copyright 1998-2038 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2098 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.
DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2098 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.
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